Kingdom Au (Chapter 1)

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Feet against gravel is always a nice thing to hear when traveling. Because this means you are near somewhere. But why is that important now? Well that sound was traveling through the ears of three teenagers.

The tallest one being 17 years old. He wears a red beanie and a yellow sweater. His hair being curly and short. Around his waist was a old and worn out jacket he made himself with many patches sewed here and there. With his pants being black, matching his knee high boots. On his back was a light brown bag just like the other two teenagers. In his hands was a map showing off multiple locations. The name of this teenager is Wilbur. He goes by many names, no one trully knows his real name (even his father) but he is known as Wilbur. And that's all it is to it.

The two others were twins, not look much alike though. Both being 13 years old wearing red backpacks. The brown haired one being slightly older. With the blonde being slightly younger. The brown haired one had bee themed clothing on and overalls. The brown haired named Tubbo. For at first he wanted his nickname to be Tubboat. For he loves to be on boats and he likes bathing instead of showering, unlike most people. But the blonde (Tommy) thought that taking off the a and t would sound better. So they just stuck with that.

"How much longer?" Tommy asked outloud, being tired from walking two days straight.

Wilbur looked up from his map, "we should be coming up to Pogtopia in about an hour or two. We finally found the gravel path."

Tommy groaned from this and started to whine more. Wilbur getting annoyed with Tommy even more than before, while Tubbo chuckles at the scene infront of him.

"Can you remind me why we are going to Pogtopia again?" Tubbo says to stop Wilbur from snapping at Tommy again.

Wilbur stares at the sky, mesmerized like usual of its natural beauty. But knowing he had to pay attention so they didn't get lost he went back to the map and replied to Tubbo. "Phil wanted us to meet Techno there. Tech's 'sposed to explain to us when we get there."


The three brothers could see many buildings. Some being a story or two, while others being about 110 floors to 130 floors. The consistency never staying the same.

"Were here," Wilbur announced the obvious. With all of them secretly inside glad that they could hopefully rest soon.

Wilbur folded the map he was holding earlier and hearing a crinkle as he put it into his backpack. Instead he reached into his pocket and pulled out the letter from Phil. At the bottom of the page the address, '123 Sun Ray Street, Pogtopia, Dream SMP 12345'. Wilbur nodded and turned to look at the two twins.

"We are looking for Sun Ray Street, k?" The twins nodded as a response as they awed Pogtopia. For they had only been to Pogtopia once but they were very young back then.


The three brothers found Sun Ray Street, and spotted a bakery near. When they headed inside the bakery it seemed there was only one worker at the moment. Poor lady.

The worker had blonde hair that was fairly long. She was wearing a black crop top with light pink long sleeves. Her jeans were a bit ripped. On the left side of her chest was a pin that said "Niki" on it.

Niki had turned around to the door when she heard the door open. All three of the boys were hungry so it was nice that the bakery was around the corner.

Wilbur walked towards the cash register as Niki put away the last donut on display. "Can we have three chocolate chip cookies?"

Their response was three chocolate chip cookies stuffed in their faces as well as a verbal response. "That will be 4 iron!"

The 17 year old grabbed four iron and handed it to Niki. She waved as they walked out of the bakery happily munching on the cookies.

"This is delicious!" Tommy exclaimed once they left.

"Thanks Wil!" Tubbo thanked.

"Of course, but now we got to look for a house saying 123 on it." Wilbur reminded them.


After fifteen (ish) minutes they came across a two story house with dark green painting. The house looking very cozy though, that's for sure.

The twins at the same time knocked at the door. After hearing some shuffling Technoblade had answered the door. He had dyed pink hair with two long braids. His shirt being white with a collar on it. In his left hand he held a leather book it seemed he was reading.

"Welcome brothers, lets take a seat on the couch." The three brothers younger than Technoblade sat down with Techno, curious on why they are here.

Once they were all comfortable Wilbur asked the question lingering on his mind. "Why did Phil send us here?"

Technoblade smirks at this, knowing Wilbur was going to ask. "There will be a fighting tournament in this very own country. The winner of the tournament gets a high level crossbow, 5 diamond, and 1 netherite."

"What are the rules?" Wilbur asked.

After about five minutes or so they all understood the rules of the tournament. (I am just going to create them as I go)

"Are we already signed up?" Tubbo asked.

"Yah, but make sure you are careful. You guys can go to the bedrooms with your guys' names on them. I am going to make some dinner." Technoblade sat up and walked away.

As the twins headed for their room, Wilbur headed to his. Wilbur's was upstairs and had its own personal bathroom thankfully.

Once Wilbur enters the room he noticed how Techno put much thought into their rooms and it made him glad. He had a bed in the far right corner with a desk on the left of the bed. In the middle of the bed and the desk was a guitar and some guitar picks spread infront of the guitar.

Wilbur set his backpack off his back and set it near his bed. He got a glimpse of the closet behind him and walked to it, noticing that there was clothing in there for him already.

Knowing he must look and smell filthy, Wilbur grabs a yellow sweater as well as some black leggings from the closet.

He headed to the bathroom and stripped off his clothing. Wilbur turned the knob and the shower let out some hot water. Not wanting to get his skin burned, he adjusted it to the right temperature and scrubbed his hair. Feeling the dirt come out of his hair. Wilbur grabbed the shampoo and poured it into his hair. Once the shampoo was out he put conditioner in his hair. While letting the conditioner set for a moment he washed the rest of his body until he couldn't find a bit of dirt on his body. Only scratch marks all over his body and some bruises. Then Wilbur washed out the conditioner and stepped out of the shower. Wrapping the towel around himself, drying his body. Soft clothing hit his skin as he slipped on his clothes.

Once Wilbur was all done he brushed his hair, knowing his hair gets more curly at the front when he doesn't immediatly dry it, just brushing it.

After a small while the door to the bathroom finally opened, as Wilbur tossed the dirty clothing near the closet, but not inside it because there was enough room for himself to fit. And its just calming for his anxiety to sit in there while listening to music. (they have phones, but texting is tricky when it comes to talking to people in different countries or towns. So people send letters instead usually)

Wilbur set some of his items from his backpack and layed down on his bed, wanting to rest a bit before dinner. For he was aching all over. He did just that and even though he has insomnia his body gave him a break for now.

A/n: I am not the best at remembering to update and stuff. So I am sorry about that! 

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