A Week (Fuck You, And You~)

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(This chapter was inspired by the song Hot Girl Bummer by Blackbear. Basically the fuck you and you part is going to be how Wilbur feels about his hangover headache. I was originally going to have him run into a Karen while at the store. But I was feeling lazy. Sorry!)

Warnings: Hangover, pain medication, etc

The brunette slowly woke up to a pain in his head. He groaned, not wanting to leave his bed. Just wishing to burry his head in the softness of his light grey pillow. While being covered up in the comfort of his cozy blankets that the brunette had bought recently. Having destroyed his other blankets, and needing new ones in the process.

Wilbur sat himself up in his bed, grabbing his phone. The screen being so bright it blinded him for a moment or two. His eyes slowly adjusted, and he could see that it was 10:49 am. Wilbur mentally noted that it was probably around 2am or so for Technoblade, meaning he might still be up.

But before anything Wilbur walked out of his bedroom, heading to the kitchen. Wilbur opened his medicine cabinet, and pulled out the pain reliever. (Is my family the only ones that have their medication in the kitchen instead of the bathroom?) He never liked the pill types of medication or the chew kind of ones, so this was another one of those disgusting "cherry" flavored pain relievers. Wilbur got out the mini measuring cup that goes with every liquid medication out there that he knows of. Making sure to get it exact, Wilbur poured 30mL (That's the max amount on the measuring cups in the pain reliever medication I have. I'm sorry if its incorrect)

Once Wilbur closed the pain reliever and put it away, he downed the mini measuring cup (30mL guessing) of pain reliever. As he wished medication now a days could be affective immediatly, instead of taking 30-60 minutes to work.

The brunette decided to sit on his kitchen counter, like he had yesternight. (Its a word, literally just meaning the night before) He turned on his phone, checking discord. As the brunette guessed, Technoblade was still awake. Quickly, the brunette joined the vc. (I don't remember which vc Technoblade is on. I just know Tommyinnit is always on vc2)

"Oh, hey Wil. How's the hangover?" Technoblade asked.

"Not as bad as I expected. Still not the best though."

"That's what happens when you drink in the middle of the night and stay up really late. Your time zone atleast."

"True, you wanted to talk more about hanging out today. Right?" Wilbur reassured himself.

"Yah," you could hear the sound of Technoblade trying to kill a mob, probably a skeleton by the minecraft shooting noises.

"We could watch some movies or something at my place?"

"That would be nice, do you have a spare room?"

"Yes, I do. But it is a bit dirty from last time I let Tommy and Tubbo come over."

"Sounds good then. When should I come over? Its like 3am for me right now."

"Would tomorrow work?"

"Sure," Technoblade said. With Wilbur exiting the vc.

Wilbur sighed, knowing he has to go to the store today.

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