Adopted Tommyinnit Au | 1 |

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Tommy and his non-brushed blonde hair sat down in a metal fold-able chair across from three people at a table. The room was set by the orphanage to let the family see if they really wanted the child infront of them. Giving the family a file and a room to stay in for as long as they need.

The blonde bit his lip and looked at the family infront of him. The oldest, presumably the father had blonde hair - like Tommy - and clothing using a green & black color scheme. The person to the father's left had short, dyed pink hair. He had black glasses and a book on his lap, that he wasn't reading. Because he was looking at the file with the other two. The person to the father's right was a brunette, he had hair that went all the way down to his shoulders, the ends curled. The boy looked at something in the file, and nodded. The others did too, which confused the youngest.

He didn't ask what was going on, and why they were spending so much time on the file. Though, he assumed that they have finished, once the oldest closed the file and pushed it to the side.

"So, you are Thomas then." The older said, then pointed at himself. "I am Philza Gold." Then the older pointed at the pink haired male, "this is Technoblade Gold", and then pointed to the other, "and this is Wilbur Gold."

Tommy nodded. "Yeah, call me Tommy though." He didn't want to make further punishment, so he held his tongue when he knew he was about to swear.

Wilbur smiled, "we were thinking of adopting you. That would be fun! What do you like to do?" Wilbur seemed a bit childish, in all honesty.

"Hang out, and stuff." Tommy didn't want to reveal too much, for it could be used as a way to manipulate him. Or that's what he told himself, for a long while.


The family and Tommy talked for a while. Wilbur loved talking about interests and hobbies. Technoblade mostly asked about food related things. And Philza talked about everything in general. Tommy felt as though they would be the type to be more verbal abusive than physical as they talked more and more.

In the back of his mind he longed for the idea that they would be like this one old lady he had. She was so kind to him, and would read to him all the time. Whenever he wasn't feeling the best, she would talk him through whatever it was. The times with her where fun while they lasted, while she was alive. After three months she died from a shooting at her work. It made Tommy devastated, and he closed himself off again.

Either way, the twenty minute visit was over. Meaning the Gold's had to leave, and Tommy was left with curiosity of what the family will do now. Would they sign the form and take Tommy in? Would they all be like, he isn't the one? Or ignore him completely?

Who knows. Either way, the Gold's waved goodbye, and left out the door. Making Tommy have to wait for the worker to walk in and talk to him. Letting him drown himself in thoughts.

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