Suffer | Dream Smp Story (Chapter 1 finished)

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Black engulfing me. Feels like that one feeling that people think you would feel like if you were sucked into a black hole. Back of the head feels like it was banged harder against the obsidian than it actually was. My left eye feels numb kind of. Don't know how to explain it exactly. My vocal chords feel a bit sore from yelling so loudly and screaming from the pain earlier. The thirst for water to stop the feeling of needing to couch, presumably blood, out of my throat. Dizzy like feelings in my stomach. Its way to confusing for my sixteen year old brain to comprehend.

But how would it? How would it know the feeling of having all my nerves finally go numb or my brain letting go all of it's strain on me? Or the thumping in my chest stopping? Its like getting an update on your phone and it stops doing this one thing to do something else instead. That's how it felt with my heart stopping.

Now thinking about it... ...Maybe my eyes are closed, feels like it actually. With some of the force I could wield my eyes fluttered open. Taking in the scenery.

It was mostly a light grey with white spots here and there. Somehow not very blinding like staring at snow in the bright sunny mornings. I started to sit up and noticed the fact that I was laying on a dark grey couch. The cushions were soft and comfortable, almost as comfortable as a bed. But not exactly the same feeling.

Starting to get used to my surroundings, I sat up and hearing a chuckle from behind me.

I turn around to see a familiar face. The curly dark brown hair, the black beanie, the forever blood thirsty eyes, the oversized jacket with a sown in L'manburg flag, and the white shirt under it. It seemed that Wilbur still had his memories or something. I don't know. I can't process stuff very fast.

"Seems like you are awake, finally." Wilbur says in his low voice that is somehow calming, yet it used to scare the living shit out of me when I heard it.

I cleared my throat and turned my whole body towards him, "yeah it seems so."

"I bet you are confused-"

"Course dipshit!" I yelled, interrupting him.

He held up his hands in a surrender way before lowering them, "hay, hay! I am just trying to be nice-ish."

I sigh and let him finish. "You are in the afterlife."

Even though I knew that, it still felt like a pain in my heart. Actually hearing it outloud, acknowledging that its true and not some dumb prank set by his friends.

A/n: Thanks for reading!

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