How The Truce Started (Unfinished)

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Chara stood infront of a copy of Geno. Chara was Geno's Au Chara. Two glowing yellow buttons was infront of him as well in the black 'screen'. The first button was 'continue' and the second button was 'erase'. Chara chuckled her evil laugh that can make almost anyone's bones shiver even if you are a normal human. She reached her hand out to the 'erase' button and placed her hand on it. She gave pressure on the button as it dinged showing that it was successfully pressed.The world slowly gave out to be a white void and the Geno became his original form. He looked like a copy of Undertale, or really Geno before he got stuck in the save screen. The copy of Geno looked around the white void that used to be the area he was at with Chara. He felt a complexity of emotions. He felt guilt that he could have stopped Chara. Anger because that Chara stopped his chance of seeing his papyrus. Not a copy of papyrus but the one that was in his Au even if it was an Au's copy. Sadness knowing he was most likely trapped with the feeling of being trapped. Lost for not knowing what to do anymore. And many more emotions. The copy of Geno walked around thinking that he could find an exit and go back to the resets. Reset after reset was what the skeleton was the worst feeling, but that was the beginning of his pain before the storm settles. --After walking for whatever time it took because the white void did not have any clocks or any way to know what time it could be. The copy of Geno sat down with his feet aching but still had his soul with a small hint of determination and hope that he could get out. The hope and determination was slowly deflating but not just yet. The copy of Geno decided that maybe it was one of those annoyingly realistic dreams and would wake if he fell asleep. Or he would be saved when he was sleeping. Eyes filling with drowsiness as the copy of Geno layed down on the floor of the white void and lost consciousness. --The copy of Geno had assumed that it must have been atleast a month now because of how much he has slept, walked, and yelled. His voice sore from all the yelling. Hoping someone would come, but no one did. His hope and determination was now a drip in a sippy cup. Hard to get and hold but was still there. --The copy of Geno had definitely forgotten of his past and now believed that his name was Error. He had his bones slowly turn black except for his legs and feet being a crimson red. Error's clothing turned into a black, dark red, yellow, and dark blue color scheme. Error started to hear voices from who knows where and did not want to know who it was. Just was begging to get out of this mental torture that usually is for mentally psychotic people but still there was people there. This place did not. There was no one answering his yells, no food, and no stray jacket binding his arms to his chest forcefully just in case if something back fires. White void is not the proper name for the place anymore, nor is Error's white void. Anti-void is the name and not Error's anti-void because he does not own it, just got trapped there. But I and others suppose that the place is Error's Anti-Void. --Error tried hard and hard after the voices told him the steps to make a portal. The voices told him everything he needed to know. The colors are on his clothes are black, a shade of red, yellow, and a shade of blue. The voices informed him of who he is, or atleast who he is now and about the things of the world. Error is not like a newborn animal that knew nothing of the world anymore. He knew things that even most of the Multiverse did not know. For example the balance inbetween destruction and creation. Or that Ink even though he seems so nice and is the creator yet there are some real cruel worlds and some that are not advised to be seen by people that have no knowing of the world. Like Horrortale is full of blood and murder for food because of starvation. Or UnderLust is filled with horrible aspects of the world that no one should have to know about...--Error has destroyed for years and years. Learning many things. He became very observant. His black covered bones covered in scars from battles that he understood the reason. Error kept the balance pretty even but needed to clean the Multiverse of mistakes and all of that atleast once a week.Error learned about the Star Sanses and Nightmare's Gang. The Star Sanses held Blueberry from Underswap. Ink from wherever he was from. Dream from Dreamtale and Frisk but Frisk is not really a Star Sans. Just a friend to merely say. Blueberry has a very overprotective brother. His papyrus goes by many names like Stretch, Honey, or Carrot. He goes by Stretch the most though. Blueberry loves to eat tacos and has a very cheerful personality. But of course not everything in the world is cupcakes and rainbows like Blueberry. Blueberry has urges to kill that he can not control. Because of his personality traits he feels guilt about it yet understands that it is not fully his fault. Just something he needs to practice controlling. Ink's world has a world of only people with no emotion. Forgotten to be given color. Ink ripped his soul with him only having feelings and ended up in a different white void than Error. Ink had no soul and later on got emotions with paint and put them in vials. Ink drank the vials for emotions. Some gave him sadness while others gave him joy. Without his vials he is more rude and is emotionless like the parasite also known as Fresh Sans.

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