Vacations Can Change A Lot (Bnha story, unfinished)

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"Goodbye guys! I will see you all in a month!" Deku waved his arm in the air as his green hair waved partially with it. He was leaving the Class 1-A classroom for a vacation.

His mother, Inko had a wonderful idea of taking her dear Izuku to America for a month. Inko wanted Izuku to experience more about the world and maybe be able to train at America. And she knew that if he got stronger, he would get excited when All Might (his idol) complements him.

Deku walked outside of UA with his mother. They both opened their car doors with a loud shutting sound. Inko started the car as Deku looked to his side, watching his non-moving black bookbag.

What felt long a long time, but short at the same time, the drive to the airport progressed. Buildings and many trees, especially cherry blossoms, passing by.

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