Meeting (Prologue Unfinished)

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The big group of friends were hanging out in a living room and a kitchen that were connected. In the kitchen Toriel and Papyrus were putting the pan of butterscotch pie in the oven to bake for thirty minutes. Frisk, Chara, Flowey, and Sans were sitting at a dining table farther away from the others to discuss something. Sans at the head of the table with Chara being on his left and Frisk on his right. Flowey was infront of Sans and facing towards the middle of them while sitting in a plant pot. Over to the living room was Undyne and Alphys playing Mario Kart. Asgore had work to do so he could not be there.


"What are we going to bake next time Lady Toriel?" Papyrus asked as he wiped his gloves off for no particular reason.

"Maybe some sugar cookies. I read that those are very popular and tasty. Especially with frosting and sprinkles on top." Toriel told Papyrus.

"That sounds amazing Lady Toriel!" Papyrus exclaimed as they walked over to the living room to sit down.

Papyrus watched Undyne and Alphys playing Mario Kart. Toriel picked up a book on the sofa as she left it and flipped to the page with her bookmark and let herself relax as she read.


The four at the dinner table were all silent. Trying to figure out what to say and who was going to say first. The four made their own little 'council'. Whenever one of the four felt that they needed to discuss something they would call a meeting. But just incase they would have one once in a month atleast to make sure everything is going good. It has been three minutes of them in silence, have felt like longer though.

"If no one is going to start, I might as well." Sans cleared his throat. "I have felt that everything is going well. Except I feel that if we got you know who here we could maybe permanently stop the mess."

The other three took a minute to process what Sans said. Frisk nodded and decided she would speak next.

Frisk thought of what she needed to say and started. "I agree with Sans. But I think that if we let you know who out we could get exposed. And also I think that Sans should try to open up to Grillby more. He seems to care for you," Frisk looked at Sans. "Sans."

"I know, I know. Just don't know what he would think about it." Sans said.

Flowey was getting a bit annoyed with all this stupid talk. "Why the fuck would we let out you know who. He hurt Sans and Papyrus. Yet still calls himself a father. It is just bullshit. And you can't change my mind on that. And we know more than he does. Hell, Sans has been more up to date and knows in person about the timelines and resets." Flowey even with his anger and complaints with profanity he kept his voice low enough for the others to not hear. "And Sans," Flowey directed to Sans. "You need to stop fucking around and being all like 'he will hate me' bullshit. He cares for you and literally has a seat that no one else is aloud to sit in. Your annoying ass puns are part of your charm to Grillby. So just talk to him you motherfucker." Flowey finished.

Chara chuckled a little. "Man Azzy, if mom heard that you would be having your ass whooped." Chara chuckled a little more.

"She can't do that! I am just a flower!" Flowey replied.

Chara stopped her laughing. "Anyways, I agree with Flowey. But with less fuck(s), bullshit(s), hell(s), and motherfucker(s). Plus I think that Gaster would be about no help. We already have each other." Chara finished.

"So it is settled. I talk to Grillbz and we don't let out you know who. Anything else?" Sans looked around.

"Why do you guys have to curse so much?" Frisk asked.

"Cause we can." Chara noticed that the serious talk was over. "Who wants to sneak at a different bar than Grillby's and go drinking?" Chara asked not caring about him being 19.

"How can I go? I am a motherfucking plant!" Flowey said.

"You can go into your Azzy form thing. Make yourself look older and more your style. Then bang!" Chara exclaimed.

"Sure. Sure." Flowey said.

"I am not going." Sans answered.

"Same here, not the type of drinking and profanity." Frisk announced, even though they all know that.

"You guys can't blame me though. I don't want your mess ups to give me a long motherfucking lecture." Sans left his seat purposely not pushing his chair in all the way. 

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