Nothing, Hehe | Deaf Bakugou (Chapter 1 Finished)

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A normal Saturday for most atleast. It was a fall day with the leaves sailing through the wind with the destination of the green grass. The sound of the breeze just barely effecting the temperature of the people outside. But for Katsuki Bakugou it was not a normal day for him, to say the least. He was sitting in a small doctor's room waiting for the results to come in. His mother sitting on a light grey chair on his left, his father on his right which makes Bakugou in the middle. His mother slightly tapping her foot on the white and grey colored tiles that decorate the floor. His father lost in thought in the results. Bakugou is just trying to keep his expression and body language to not expose his worry. He might not be able to be a hero if what he thinks might happen, will happen.The doctor walked in with a bittersweet look. The doctor sat down in a chair that he pulled up infront of the three. He brought the clipboard in his hands above his lap."Do you want the good news or the bad news?" The male doctor asked like most doctors did. His brown hair slightly swaying from the big movement he just made."Good news," Bakugou's mother replied without giving the others a single thought."Alright then. The good news is that Bakugou is fine for now." The doctor paused and looked over at his clipboard. "But due to his explosive quirk and how loud it is, it is slowly starting to hurt his ear drum. So he may go deaf in a year or two. That is just an estimate, might be a little shorter might be a little longer. I would recommend you to give him sign language classes for when the day comes." The doctor explained as Bakugou and his parents' faces showed off they felt blue. "Would this mean that he needs hearing aids?" Bakugou's father asked."Yes, but right now it seems he would not need them for a month or two." The doctor answered."He is in the hero course for UA. Do you believe he could still attend the school and become a hero?" Bakugou's father questioned."Yes, it will be more difficult. If it gets too hard he should drop-out. But for sure you need to inform his teachers of his condition." The doctor explained."Thank you for your time." Bakugou's father bowed as the family stood up to leave. The male doctor swiftly handed Bakugou's mother some papers about her son. Bakugou had many thoughts running through his mind. 'What will happen with him now? It is going to be harder... How will the Bakusquad react?'--The UA teachers got the note and discussed the situation. Only if Bakugou wants to, will they tell the students of class 1A. If he needed comfort they will give him some time. They also discussed how Kirishima would be the best person to help him out if he needed help.Kirishima does not give up when it comes to 'Bakubro'. He helped start the Bakusquad anyway, with Mina. Kirishima has a joyful personality that can be even more positive than Deku (izuku). Even in bad situations he does not let go of his positive expression. Not because he wants to keep up a fake smile to hide away pain. No, he ain't that type of person. He keeps his positive expression because the optimist he is. --Aizawa, because he seemed to know his class better than others he decided to ask Bakugou the question everyone was morning to know. Aizawa thought it would be best to ask him in private in the empty classroom. So he did just that. Aizawa tugged on Bakugou's sleeve to signal that he wanted to speak with him. Bakugou understood the motion and stopped himself, getting a bit closer to Aizawa so they were in conversation distance. Everyone left the room except the two now."We have gotten the note," Bakugou internally winced at the mention of it. "We would like to know if you want the class to know." Aizawa finished his sentence."Fuck no!" Bakugou almost yelled."If you need someone to talk to. You have the teachers at UA and I bet Kirishima would gladly help you even if he doesn't know the cause." Aizawa paused for a second and looked at the door. "Now go, don't want you starving." Aizawa mumbled the last part to himself, not wanting anyone to freak he actually cared for his students. Even though Present Mic was suspecting it for sure now.Bakugou without a word left the room trying to hide how surprised he was from that talk. It is not the face that they asked about if he wanted to tell. UA respects their students. But the part about Shitty Hair struck him a bit hard. Shitty Hair was known for his brightening personality, but Bakugou never really thought of Shitty Hair like the person...

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