If You Get A Reason To Be Happy, Take It. Life Is Small (Chapter 2 Unfinished)

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Error felt boredom starting to creep into his thick skull. The thought started as a small one, until it invaded most of his other thoughts. Error decided that he needed to do something when the thought became more of a problem in his head.

One of Error's hobbies is to knit. He does not remember how he came to learn knitting, but he knew that somehow he knew how to knit. He enjoyed the hobby and carried along with it. Error sometimes used actual yarn, other times he used his own strings, not painful like the first times he attempted using his strings.

Error sat himself up so he was in a sitting position, staring at nothing. He pushed himself off the anti-void ground and looked upwards. He flicked his hand in a certain motion, commanding some of his strings to appear. After a while he finished the process of getting a yarn of his own string in a ball. The process does not need to be described during this moment.

Error got out his knitting needles and started to knit another scarf like the one around his neck. Whenever he got into fights with the Star Sanses there was always a possibility of his scarf breaking. Sometimes it did result in his scarf being more frayed and such. Error would always make a new one so it would look brand new. No one asked or even brought up the question of how he kept on coming back with a scarf looking brand new. Error felt no one needed to know of this hobby, as it would most likely make Ink be a little disturbed. No, that is an understatement. Ink would be freaking out that the destroyer of Aus can create things even if it is just knitting.


Nightmare was way to concerned about the story he was reading to bother the angered screams coming from upstairs. Nightmare assumed that they were playing their games like usual. Nightmare did not bother with what the trio did really. They were more childish Nightmare believes, but atleast they get the job done.

Nightmare was reading up on a nonfiction story about cows. Why was the reason? He was very curious to understand the concept of why one of his gang members, Cross, had a fear of cows. Nightmare at the moment believes that maybe it is the color theme of the cow. Being usually black and white. It could be reminding Cross of how he had been part of his destruction of his Au. Haunting him with horrifying memories, especially with that dreaded, purple glowing, Overwrite button. But Nightmare may be incorrect, so he kept looking.

Nightmare is not the type that really worries for his gang members. But he likes to learn everything about them. Not in a creepy stalker way or a friendly way. He feels that a boss is supposed to understand his gang members. Or atleast he would be able to know his gang member's weaknesses atleast. That thought always gave him a smile.

He likes to say that Error is part of his gang. Error can be considered apart of the gang but not at the same time. More like allies. But sometimes Error will disagree with Nightmare's ideas. Error and Nightmare just don't have the same view points of the multiverse and the world. Maybe it is because Error has amnesia about his past, or how Nightmare ate all of the apples on the DreamTale tree. But that is left to still be known.


Cross was long asleep now. Cross felt happy feelings as he dreamed about not even being in Nightmare's gang anymore. And instead hanging out with Epic and X-Chara. But that is a meer dream. Nightmare gets what he wants. Like when he wants Cross to clean the whole mansion Cross has to follow or he will get beaten. Nightmare is very powerful, especially with his four tentacles and two tongues.


"You f***ing a******!" Horror screamed at the television. Horror was angered that Dust had lost once again, they had changed games into a shooting game.

"He just f***ing went around the corner and shot you. Like how the f*** did he get over there when you just shot him in the leg!" Killer was super confused and a bit raging at the game as well.

"Maybe they have a few food items. Or is a hacker." Dust looked over to the others, ignoring the game over screen now displayed on the television. "You two, need to calm down though. Boss is probably going to want to have dinner soon. It is getting late." Dust somehow had a nice talent of getting the two others to calm down when rage quitting. It was just one of his skills he had, most likely because of his childhood with just Papyrus and with a now non-existent father.

"Fine, but that bitch will be having his a** beaten tomorrow," Horror toned down his voice now which made Dust smile. "We should probably go see what Cross is doing-"

"And ask Boss if we should talk to Error. About destroying more Aus and stuff." Killer made a good point, even though he just interrupted Horror.

"Sure." And with that the Murder Time Trio left the game unintended. Forgetting that the television was on the game over screen. The screen left to whoever went into the room next to turn it off.


Blueberry had just finished getting all of the toppings for the tacos out and spread them across the kitchen counter. He had salsa, cilantro, sour cream, shredded cheese, lettuce, onions, and black beans. Blueberry had the taco meat sit on the stove for anyone that wanted a taco, with the tortillas as well. Hard and soft shell were both next to the stove ready to be used for a taco.

Ink was painting a flower. The day before he painted a light yellow backaround and let it dry for the next day. Today Ink was drawing in the stem and letting that dry for later. Ink felt it would look nice if he made one large flower in the middle of the canvas. So he only painted on one stem. Like it was just in time Blueberry called for dinner.

Dream still was troubled on what to watch on Netflix. There were many shows and movies on Netflix.

Dream and Ink left their spots from what they were doing to head into the kitchen with no door. Just a door frame with no hinges. When they walked into the kitchen they got a better whiff of the delicious smell of the tacos. This made the two smile at Blueberry, which Blueberry took it as a non-verbal compliment. This cheered the skeleton greatly.

Dream walked over to the cabinet next to the stove and took out three plates. He handed one to Ink, one to Blue, and kept one to himself. They started to make their tacos in the way they liked it and brought their plates to the glass table and ate where there was no canvas on it.

Ink had the thought go through his mind he should probably put the canvas away so he did so. Leaving the room to go down a hallway and turn a right to his bedroom. Ink did not give a glimpse to the things in his room as he placed the canvas on his floor near his messy nightstand and bed. Ink then ran out of his room, closing his bedroom door softly and arrived to the glass table with the others.

Dream always loved having everything on his taco. Ink thought that Dream was crazy for putting on onions. He always has, Ink dislikes onions. But Dream says that onions is a type of flavor enhancer. Blue just is neutral with the onions though.

Ink would put on everything except the salsa and the onions. Ink also felt that spicy food was just not for him. It did not make his stomach feel unsettled. But how hot something small can be when you are not even used to eating anything spicy is something Ink just always hated.

Blue would just do something he called the mystery picker. Blue did this thing always where he would pick only three of them randomly by closing his eyes and moving his hand then suddenly stopping and that would be one of the topping he was going to use. This time he had sour cream, cilantro, and shredded cheese. Very tasty combination Blue believed and insisted for the others to try it.

"Did you find something to watch?" Blue asked.

Dream gave out a small sigh, "nope. There are too many!"

Blue thought of a nice thing to watch. "What about Parks and Recreation?" Blue always knew great show ideas, but Dream just can't seem to choose one because of the big variety of things to watch.

"Sounds good, right Ink?"

Ink was on his second hard shell taco so he just nodded with his face half-way stuffed. Even though he was stuffing his mouth, this made Blue feel better. 'Cause he really felt they appreciated his cooking skills.

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