Life Is But A Dream... Right (Prologue Unfinished)

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Everyone has their backstory. If someone did not have a backstory, then who would they be and how would they be different. Backstories are important and they help explain the character. . .--Blueberry Sans. That one skeleton known for his cheerful smile, glistening blue eyes bouncing off pure innocence, and his blue bandanna like scarf. Traditional for him to wear his 'training body' clothing. Especially those blue gloves he rarely ever took off. Blue was also known for more things some more than others. Like he is if Original Papyrus and Original Sans swapped personalities. Or his love of tacos. He was not as well known for being kidnapped or actually not being as innocent as he seems. He knows about the cruelty of the world but he keeps that hidden. Because why should anyone know? Error Sans was a key part to Blueberry Sans. Error had kidnapped Blue and took him to the Anti-Void. Error helped Blue see both sides of the situation unlike every other Sans in the multiverse they lived in. Blue would talk to Error when he needed someone to talk to. Blue did not care that Error did not open up to him. That was okay! --Error Sans. He was known for his destruction and black bones that were not dripping of that goopy substance. Everyone just assumed that he was a cold blood murderer, like someone insane in an asylum. But worse than Asylum Sans of course. That was not the case. He was known for his love of chocolate, making puppets, and caring deeply for Nightmare's Gang that was like his family. His family (Nightmare's Gang) was very important to Error. Each and every one of them. Nightmare was like a father figure. Making sure that no one got hurt too badly and if one did he would help nurse them back to health. He was the one that actually cooked dinner and thought of the others more like his children instead of servants or slaves. Killer and Dust were like little brothers. Both very childish and were fun to hang out. With the two arguing a lot though about small things like actual siblings and usually dragging Horror into it somehow with all ending up being punished. Horror was like the middle child. He can be childish but also mature. At appropriate times he can be very comforting and loving. Horror can make the table laugh, it was a good personality of his. But sadly because of the hole in his skull he usually would find something from the others stuffed in there. Once he found a half cooked roast chicken for Thanksgiving. Cross was like the older brother. He was very calm and mature. He understood when someone needed comforting and he can get anyone to 'let it all out'. He listened to their woes and responded with reassuring comments with some ways to fix his/her problems. Mostly with the others in the family though. --Dream and Nightmare. Brothers before but can barely be called that now. It was a sad thing but has to be dismissed with the matters of the two sides. Both feeling guilt about what has happened with them and feeling a bit of the action a long while ago was their fault at the least. Dream was like the middle child with the star sanses. He would help out and was kind. He acted more mature than Blue but not as much as Ink. Dream was better at comforting because Ink did not have a soul though. Nightmare was the father figure of his family. He felt more comfortable with them and did not want anyone to take him away from them. He would like it though if

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