The Bad Sanses (Chapter 1 Finished)

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The Gang were eating dinner at their rather normal sized dinner table in Nightmare's mansion. Horror, Dust, and Cross sat at one side. The other side sat Killer and Error. Then at the head of the table was Nightmare. All of them enjoying their food that was cooked by Dust today. But today was a little bit different. Error has been feeling down today and Nightmare has noticed. Even with the amazing meatloaf infront of him. Nightmare decided that it would be best if he confronted Error after dinner.


Error laid down on his bed scrolling through YouTube on his phone. The room was very darkly lit at the moment for it was getting dark out. Error was partially enjoying the peace yet there was one thought stuck in his mind.

Nightmare lightly knocked on Error's bedroom door hoping that Error would let him in. Just getting Error's trust is hard, yet the gang has gotten Error to warm up to them. But sometimes Error will be hesitant and still back away. And Error never would actually tell someone something is wrong, so Nightmare felt he needed to get to the roots of the problem now. Not knowing how long this unknown problem has been going on.

Error heard the knock and guessed it was one of the gang members. Error not giving too much thought into it said, "come in."

Nightmare slowly opens the door as he takes in the scene infront of him. Error scrolling on his phone in his bed with the blankets over him. But with a little bit of despair in his face as he hopelessly looked at his phone not paying mind to Nightmare.

Nightmare makes soft and quiet steps over to Error's bed and decides to sit down at the edge of it, not trying to be too pushy. Yet still close to the glitchy skeleton.

Nightmare sighed and asked what he needed to ask. "What is wrong Error. And I know that something is wrong, so don't tell me you're okay." Nightmare kept his voice at a calming and gentle tone.

Error knew that he was not going to be able to get out of this. If Error was stubborn and did not tell, Nightmare would find a way to get Error to tell. Sometimes even taking Error to OuterTale and getting him chocolate just so he can say the problem.

Error didn't want to make himself locked in his room again or something, so he talked. "If the balance is ever in check." Error paused, Nightmare curious of what else Error is trying to say and taking it in already finding ways to help. "Will I be," Error looked down more at the phone he was holding, "needed anymore?"

Nightmare now understand what Error was trying to imply. Nightmare thought of a way to comfort Error and set the plan to start. Nightmare first used one of his tentacles to turn off Error's phone and put it on his nightstand.

Error now was put into the position where Nightmare's hand was on his cheek and the other hand making Error close, but not so close they are in kissing distance.

Nightmare knew this was the only way to get Error to really pay attention to his words and understand what Nightmare is telling Error.

Nightmare started his mini lecture to the glitchy skeleton. "You are not useless, Error." Nightmare took a breath and made eye contact with Error completely in a calming way. "You have played a big role in my life, all of our lives and we care for you."

Nightmare pulled Error into a hug and after a few moments Error hugged back into the hug. Error thinking of what Nightmare said and felt grateful for who he had with him. Not knowing what would have happened if he never had the gang for him. Nightmare smiling, knowing that Error was forgetting about how Error is special to him, and the others.

A few minutes past and they both pulled away from the long and meaningful hug. "Feeling better?" Nightmare asked.

Error nodded. "Yes, I do. Thanks Night!"

Nightmare had a thought for a second. He knew that the gang were all just like a big happy family. Not romantically involved in relationships. So he decided to ask, "do you want me to leave now?"

Error didn't want to be mean and make Nightmare sleep on the floor. "Sorry but yes, I don't want you to be sleeping on the floor."

Nightmare smirked, "what if I slept in the bed with you?"

Error blushed an adorable light yellow blush on his face. Error shaked his head back and forth. "Only as friends!"

"Sure," Nightmare said as he layed down in the covers with Error and slowly fell asleep.


Killer was walking down in a hallway in the mansion, looking for Nightmare. Killer was just curious, as no one has seen Nightmare since dinner.

Killer slowly opened the door of Error's room to an adorable sight. It was Nightmare and Error cuddled up together, as just friends.

Killer smiled knowing that the situation must of been that Nightmare noticed something was wrong and comforted Error. It ended with them being tired and fell asleep together. Killer quietly closed the door and walked down the mansion hallway to his bedroom. 

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