~1~ Him ~1~

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TW! For this chapter: stalking, obsession, manipulation, trauma, dehumanization, calling people theirs or prized possessions, stealing, possible panic attack, cursing,

Before reading, this is not a ship story!!! It's a possessive platonic big brother thing, when it comes to Dream!!!!

It scared him. The loud sounds blaring through the whole SMP. People panicking, the mounds of emotion that came with the sirens. the meaning behind what was happening. He was out.

He was out, the man that was locked in prison because of all his wrongdoings. The man that loved the color green, and his white smiley-face mask. The man that goes by D̸̬͖̔r̵̮͛e̸̙̞̕a̸̢̅m̴̰͚̿̕.

He has done many things, like give Wilbur the tnt he needed to blow up L'manburg/Manburg. Forced Tubbo to exile Tommyinnit. Started wars, even before the election. He manipulated people. He helped Technoblade and Philza blow up L'manburg for a second time, doomsday. He tried to kill (and sometimes succeeded) people.

But there is one thing that only two people know... He made tunnels in Tommyinnit's home(s) for years. When he saw Tommyinnit 'asleep' he would cuddle Tommyinnit and call him, his. He was obsessed with Tommyinnit, and felt Tommyinnit was his prized possession. When Tommyinnit would wake, Dream would be gone. Once when Tommyinnit started noticing some of his items go missing, he pretended to sleep and found the person doing it was him.

It horrified Tommyinnit, and made him more on edge, knowing what he did. Knowing that he was watching him.

But once he was in prison, Tommyinnit stopped feeling as on-edge. He knew he finally wasn't being creepily watched.

So how was Tommyinnit supposed to feel when he heard the prison's sirens going off? Telling him he was not safe anymore.

He will find Tommyinnit and hug him. He will pet his hair and call Tommyinnit his. Tell him how much he loved Tommyinnit. And wants to hide him away from the world so he can have Tommyinnit for himself.

Tommyinnit broke away from his thoughts and shook his head, trying to desperately get rid of them. It partially worked, as he moved his feet.

He ran and ran, all the way into his house. Retreating the flowers he was picking. Going back to the place he deems safe compared to everywhere else.

Tommyinnit thought of how when he wasn't even a teenager, and Wilbur had the idea of building walls around L'manburg to protect them. He felt as if he needed that same safe feeling.

Tommyinnit started to make concrete with his materials, and dyed half of them black, the other with yellow. Tubbo loves bees, all black and yellow. Tommyinnit cares for Tubbo though it seems like Tubbo doesn't give a single thought to Tommyinnit.

Why does Tommyinnit, a big man, always thinking such depressive thoughts? Shut up brain! Let me not worry if I'm his friend, and many other things.

Once Tommyinnit crafted enough concrete of black and yellow, Tommyinnit smiled a bit. Knowing all he had to do was place the concrete around his home.

It was late noon, and the sirens stopped ringing a while back. Tommyinnit started building the concrete walls. Enjoying the calm silence.


After he finished the walls he felt very exhausted, hungry, and a tad bit safer. But now it was slowly darkening outside.

Without checking his phone, Tommyinnit could guess it was around 6pm. Meaning he should eat dinner inside his 'protected' home. Having skipped lunch, due to thinking that having the walls up was better than wasting time eating. (Not like he hasn't starved before. . .)

Dragging his still slightly panicked self, Tommyinnit walked back inside his home. With a deep breathe, Tommyinnit opened his house's front door.

He arrived in his kitchen and poured water in a nasty noodle cup. (No offense) Once the noodle cup was in the microwave, Tommyinnit grabbed a Coke from the fridge.

Beep! Beep! The noodles were warmed, and ready to be consumed. Being mentally, emotionally, and physically tired, he sat on the counter and pulled his phone out.

As he scrolled on YouTube, Tommyinnit ate his cheap noodles and drank sips of his Coke.

Tommyinnit noticed how he didn't get any panicked texts from anyone about if he was okay after D̸̬͖̔r̵̮͛e̸̙̞̕a̸̢̅m̴̰͚̿̕ escaped. He went back to watching lyric prank videos, as if nothing happened a second ago.


An hour passed and Tommyinnit pushed aside his half eaten dinner and empty pop can. He pushed a button and watched his phone screen go dark. He pulled his swinging feet onto the counter and held them close to his chest.

Finally experiencing the raw emotion from earlier events. His eyes couldn't contain the tears in his eyes, and let the warm liquid slide down Tommyinnit's cheeks. He knew the walls would do fucking nothing. He had tunnels hidden around and under his house. Walls won't stop him. Nothing can stop him. He wants Tubbo to exile Tommyinnit so he can be left alone with Tommyinnit for 5 fucking years? It happens.

Why can't he catch a fucking break? He deserves love (D̸̬͖̔r̵̮͛e̸̙̞̕a̸̢̅m̴̰͚̿̕'s doesn't count), he deserves no pain. Why can't everybody fuck off and stop being bitches? Why? Why? Why?

Tommyinnit's sniffle turns into silent cries. If someone was in his presence, only the tears would let the person know he was crying.

With crying comes exhaustion. Tommyinnit was tired from the overwhelming emotions, the tears, and the work he did to make the walls around his house. So he didn't mind when his body shut down and made him drift off to sleep on a kitchen counter. All curled up.

That night Tommyinnit was not disturbed by any nightmares. Even though it would make sense if he did have a nightmare. Instead he dreamed of something his future self couldn't remember.


When Tommyinnit awoke from his slumber, his body was aching. For he was in an uncomfortable sleeping position on something that wasn't fit for sleep.

He opened his eyes and jumped off the counter. The cold noodles still layed on the counter. Tommyinnit threw them away and into the trash, feeling satisfied with himself.

Knowing he had things to do, Tommyinnit walked into the bathroom.

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