Suffer | Dream Smp Story

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I stared at him waking up. His blonde hair being a major mess, his right blue eye filled with confusion, the bruises and cuts all over his body being very noticeable, his left eye's sclera being all black and the iris being white as well as the pupil. Very fascinating to look at honestly. Watching him take in his new surroundings in the afterlife.

Excitement was coursing through my veins, eager to convince him to join me in my plans. Its going to talk lots of time though, that is for sure. Especially with the fact that he thinks this persona is dead, when in actuality the 'Ghostbur' persona is just made of some things. It was kind of hard to do but it works and everyone believes me.

Sorry, getting off topic once again. Anyways, I started to chuckle to myself a little and Tommy looked over at me.

"Seems like you are awake, finally." I tell him and it seems that my voice finally doesn't scare him that much. It was fun though to watch his terror every time I spoke. Too bad the fun won't be there anymore.

Tommy turned around towards me, most likely so he is not uncomfortable. You could hear him clearing his throat in the quiet room, not that type of awkward quietness I think. And I have reason to believe he hasn't noticed how quiet it is in here yet.

"Yeah, it seems so." He replied to me.

I started to talk to him and explain the situation to a better extent. "I bet you are confused-"

But just like his normal behavior and not caring much, he interrupted me. "Course dipshit!" His voice actually sounded a bit loud against the silence.

Not wanting to make a bad approach to him, I held up my hands in the air in a surrender type way. "Hay, hay!" I lowered my arms, not wanting to tire them and because there is no need to leave them there for so long. "I am just trying to be nice," then I quiet my voice and pause for a second. "-ish." Tommy at that moment sighed, maybe it was anger, maybe confusion, to this day I may never know. "You are in the afterlife."

He started to soak in the reality and it made me smile. Knowing in the position he is in, he probably won't be able to leave this place for a while. Except... ...if Dream revives us...

I brought out my leather book and started to jot down a note for Tommy, so I could leave for a bit.

Dear Tommy,

I am going to leave for a bit. Don't worry, I will be back in an hour or two. While I am gone, you can adventure the place. You might be hungry, you were asleep for a few hours. And your body is still getting used to the situation. Also, you don't have to worry about wrapping up wounds except if it bothers you. The wounds will look the same permanently until I teach you how to cover them up. Thats for later though.

Love ya!

I smiled at it and sent it down, adventuring to *&#$-+&!!

A/n: The love ya part in the letter is platonic. Like brotherly love or best friend love. Not romantic. Hope this is okay! Bye!

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