Tommy foster au chapter 1

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TW: Blood, cigarettes, murder, shock blanket, ambulances, police, detectives, trauma, hateful sexual words (Whore, slut), insanity/psychopathy, death, the word 'corpse', someone telling themselves to just 'deal with it' about their trauma, physical abuse, sexual abuse, throwing up, bruises, food (grilled cheese, chicken, and canned side dishes: just in case that is triggering), forced to grow up, not understanding social cues/things that should be normal, witness murder, etc (Let me know if I missed anything)

Smoke filled the air. Red splattered on the wall. A woman wailed and manic laughter filled the room. Tears ran down a young blonde's face and dropped on the floor. Red, white, blue lights blinding the five year old's vision. Blaring sirens going on repeat. A shock blanket full of comfort and warmth - aiding the child from the traumatic experience - was placed upon the blue eyed boy's shoulders. A woman was placed on an ambulance bed in a rush, way gone before the blonde could say goodbye for the last time. The manic laughter died down, instead yelling of how the lady was a 'whore', a 'slut', and deserved what happened to her. All the noise stopped then, and an unknown pressure surrounding his ears. Probably noise canceling headphones to further comfort him. That was when it all went black.


It was a few days later, the woman did not survive. The detectives needed the only witness's testimony on what occurred. They did not want to push the child, but they needed the testimony as soon as possible.

"Can you tell me what happened on the night of XXXX?" The female detective didn't know if the kid knew the date, so she specified her question more. "The night you were found with #### covered in blood and ### hovering over her." 

The boy shook his head, trying to forget the fact that she was dead. Dead. Dead. A corpse. She met the light at the end of the tunnel. She lost too much blood. She can't make her grilled cheese anymore or play with his hair. Dead. That's what she is. He can't do anything about it. The only thing he can do is deal with it.

 And help the men in coats catch 'arrest' whom obviously did the crime. They needed him to tell the truth so they can catch the man because they didn't see it themselves. For all they know he could have done it. Picked up the sharp object from a block of wood  in the kitchen and ran to her room. Forced the object into her - so many times that some of the forensics barely could keep their dinner in their stomachs - and somehow got the red stuff on the man who laughed seeing the sight. Maybe the man forced the child to do it, the man would be the accomplice but the blonde would be accounted for third, maybe second degree murder. 

But that is not what happened. In stuttered words and many pauses the newly six year old told the truth. Every single bit. From the burns on his thighs in perfect circles, the bruises on his ankles, and even the painful screams - from the woman - mixed with the happy screams - from the man - that he overheard. It surprised the detectives, he even overheard one of them say that this is much for a five year old to experience. 

With that the detectives walk out of the room and don't come back for a while. Thankfully to cure his boredom a young lady with long locks brought in a coloring book. Many pages had scribbles, tears, and holes in them. Once he found a page that was a clean slate he took the crayons provided and colored it in. When he showed the lady she smiled greatly. 

"Good job, Tommy! I was wondering, what is your favorite color?" The lady readjusted her rectangular glasses.

"Um...!" Tommy picked up a red-orange crayon and went back to coloring in Spiderman.

"That is such a cool color, I love the color green. What about food, what food do you like?"

Tommy was silent for a little while. Contemplating what foods he was able to eat that actually tasted good. Usually what he got was some marinated chicken and canned side dishes. It got old really quick, but he barely got something other than that. Except one time where the man was on a trip for work and the woman made him grilled cheese. He liked that.

"Grilled cheese" Tommy said, picking up a teal crayon.  Not caring that both colors he is using are slightly off to the original scheme for Spiderman.

The lady smiled, "that is a good choice. I have to go in a minute. Anything else you want to talk about?"

The six year old shook his head, and gave her his colored in pages. "Here, you should have it. You are a really nice lady." 

This seemed to brighten up the lady and accepted the three colored in pages. "Thank you, I will hang them up on my fridge."

With that she was gone, and he was left alone again. What did she mean hang them up on my fridge? Fridges are slippery, you need wall and nails to hang stuff. Also what's so special about a fridge that someone would hang stuff on it? Is it because food is there? Do they eat the papers? Too confusing. 

Tommy layed his arms on the metal table. Trying to relax his tense nerves and think of more positive things than the murder he witnessed. His eyes started to close shut. Unaware of anything going on in the world. 

As if the woman is not dead. As if the man didn't kill her. As if he isn't getting interrogated about the events that occurred. As if the past didn't exist. As if he didn't need to worry about where he is going to go or what they will do with him after the unreleased court date. 

He was off into dream world, for the first time since her death. Every night since her death except this night, he has had nightmares. Sometimes the sharp object going into him, or the woman getting revenge on the man with varying items including a hammer. 

A/n: I hope this is good, this is more of the introduction to Tommy. Like his backstory before getting into the good stuff. I mostly avoided explaining things with the word easiest to explain and instead made it difficult. This was because Tommy is five, just turned six and so how is he supposed to know what rape or abuse or any of that is. The parts that actually say murder and such are ones where it is not so much in his view. The next chapter is probably going to be the last chapter before SBI are introduced. Thank you for reading!

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