18 - The Last Dance

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Book: Gilbert Twins
Chapter 18: The Last Dance
Word Count: 3197

No one's POV

Elena, Ariana, and Bonnie were with a lawyer. Ariana and Elena were signing papers.

"Each of you, please sign here and here." The lawyer instructed. Ariana took the pen first, signing.

"So this place is all yours? They just gave it to you guys?" Bonnie questioned.

"For now." Ariana replied.

"As owners, we're the only one who can invite a certain type of person in here, if you know what I mean." Elena added.

After a minute, both twins had signed the papers. Ariana opened the front door and the lawyer left.

Stefan, Nathan, and Damon walked to the threshold but an invisible force kept them out.

"I'm sorry. I completely forgot." Elena looked at Stefan and Nathan. "Stefan, Nathan. Would you guys like to come inside our house?"

"I would love to. Thank you." Stefan entered.

"Of course. Thank you, Elena." Nathan smiled at Elena, then entered. They all looked at Damon.

"What are we, twelve?" Damon rolled his eyes.

"One of us is." Elena snapped.

"E, please don't be childish." Ariana sighed, then turned to Damon. "Come on in, Damon."

"Thank you, Ana." Damon entered, glaring at Elena as he did.

"Correction: both of you, please don't be childish. This hate you have for one another is just getting ridiculous now." Ariana muttered.

Bonnie walked in from another room and gave Ariana and Elena their jackets.

"Wait, where are you going?" Stefan asked.

"To school." Ariana replied.

"No, no, no. We didn't create a safe house for you to leave it." Damon said.

"Yeah, guys, Klaus is out there. We know that." Nathan added.

"Right. But where? No one knows." Ariana pointed out.

"Look, we both really appreciate what you guys are doing. And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that we'll be safe here, but we're not going to be prisoners." Elena stated.

"Don't worry, I'm ready. If he shows his face, I can take him. I know how." Bonnie spoke up. She then left with the Gilbert twins. Stefan and Nathan exchanged a look, before they both sighed.

"Wait, we're coming!"


Everyone sat down in their seats before class starts. Alaric/Klaus arrived.

"Hello, class. What are we learning today?"

"With the decade dance tonight, we've been covering the sixties all week." A girl, Dana, informed from the desk in front of Ariana's.

"Right. The sixties." Alaric/Klaus noticed Ariana and Elena. He looked at them for a while before turning to the board. "The, uh, ahem... the sixties. I wish there was something good I could say about the sixties, but... actually, they kind of sucked. Except for the Beatles, of course. They made it bearable. Uh, what else was there? The Cuban missile thing, the... we walked on the moon. There was Watergate."

"Watergate was the seventies, Mr Saltzman." Ariana chuckled at her teacher.

"Right. It all kind of mushes together up here, the sixties, seventies." Alaric/Klaus also chuckled. "Thank you... Ariana."

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