Chapter 56

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Viktor Krum enters the Great Hall with Igor following him. He walks towards the Goblet and without hesitation he puts his life on the line as he throws in the piece of parchment.

I looks straight at Hermione and when I look over at her I see her staring back. Am I missing something.


The Great Hall is packed as each student wanted to watch the champions get chosen. Thank Merlin that we aren't old enough and this year is not our fight. No drama. No near death experiences. Nothing. Just school.

I stand behind Harry as Dumbledore ask us to sit down."Now the moment you've all been waiting for,the champion selection!" Dumbledore points his hand towards each fire as each one slowly fades to a low light,making it a tense atmosphere.

Dumbledore closes in on the Goblet with his hand nearing the flame. The blue fire shifts to red flame bursting into beauty. Out flies the first piece of burnt parchment.

"The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum!" The Durmstrang students all begin to cheer as Viktor stands up proudly and walks towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore gives the parchment to him and he walks out of the room,just in time for the flames to erupt in a bloody red again,spitting out the second piece of parchment.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour." The girls cheer with their annoyingly high voices and clap their hands as I see a gigantic smile appear on her face.

Soon she's out of the great hall and they last piece of parchment falls towards Dumbledore's hand.

"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" He smiles as he stand up,looking straight at me and gives me a sweet wink,I clap my hands. Even though I don't like the idea of him doing these dangerous task,I consider myself his friend so I should be supportive.

He gets his parchment and leaves the hall.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist the chalice of champions,this vessel of victory,the Triwizard Cup." He points his finger at a object covered in material. The material flies of revealing a beautiful Cup.

But Snape catches my eye as he nears the Goblet staring at it. I look over to see the blue coloured flames explode out of the cup but this time much brighter. Dumbledore nears it and covers his eyes slightly as the blood coloured flames return on brighter than before.

A small piece of parchment is expelled into the air and Dumbledore grabs it.

"Harry Potter" he whispers in awe.

"Harry Potter?" The students star whispering around us. I stand up and grab Harry's shoulders from behind.

"Harry Potter!?" Dumbledore yells. "Go Harry! Harry...just...go" I push him forward and he does as I say.

Everyone stares at him and some students even yell obvious statements like the fact that he's not 17 yet as he takes his parchment and walks towards the door,out of sight. Where I would have to wait before I could see him. With my pulse beating hard and loudly behind my ears,I walk away from the Great hall with Ron and Hermione.

Harry's POV

"Harry ,did you put your name in the Goblet of fire?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

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