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"Good luck today,Ron" Lavender Brown says basically panting,"I know you'll be brilliant" I burst out laughing the moments she leaves the table. She seems like a stalker. Maybe she took some of that Amorentia. I look around the table and no one else is laughing. I clear my throat,"Sorry" I quiet down still giggling a little from the sight.

"I'm resigning. After today's match, McLaggen can have my spot. " Ron gives up. He's alot more nervous then I am. He even seems afraid actually. "Have it your way. Juice?", Harry puts juice in front of Ron.

"Hello Everyone" Luna speaks from a little down the table. She's sitting with the Gryffindors and she has a gigantic lion on her head,"you look dreadful Ron. Is that why you out something in his cup?" Luna looks at Harry. " A tonic?" I look a Harry. What does she mean?

As Harry puts something in his pocket I catch a glimpse of a familiar vile. "Liquid luck" Hermione says,"don't drink it Ron" she whispers. Ron hesitates but he quickly gulps it down as soon as he makes his decision.

Hermione comments thay Harry could be expelled but he acts like he has no idea what he's talking about. Ron suddenly shows a huge smile and he grabs Harry's hands as they stand up. I shrug and stand up, following them out.

I fly through air but before I could take the quaffle, Slytherin gets it. I continue chasing them from behind as the rest of the Gryffindor team flies in from the front. I see the quaffle go from one hand to the other.

I kick up my speed to get it before it's through the rings,but Ron stops it before it enters. Everyone cheers and I even laugh a little. There is mo way Harry out liquid luck into his juice. The vile was full when I saw it. For every shot I succeed at,Ron blocks,making us take the lead.

I pass the quaffle to Ginny the moment it enters my grip. I don't give much attention to the bludger heading my way and before I could react it hits me of the broom. I fall to the ground hard but not bard enough to take me out of the game. I look up and take my broom in my hand. I see Harry and Valerie, both seekers,fly as fast as lightning through the sky. I take off and as I reach the middle of the field,high into the air,the quaffle lands in my arm. I fly to the Slytherin hoops,and through goes the quaffle.

"Weasley! Weasley!" Everyone cheers in the common room. I stand next to Harry as I clap my hands with the people around me.

"You really shouldn't have done it"

"I know" I hear Harry answer Hermione.

"We should've just used the Confundus Charm" I look at Hermione who seems stunned at my word. She explains how that was different but we all know that it really wasn't. Harry smiles at me and I giggle a little. Harry takes the vile out of his pocket and she is dead quiet.

"Ron has been high on the placebo affect" I laugh with Harry.

I look up at Ron but he's no longer up there,I look a little down to see Lavender kissing Ron. She's literally sucking his lungs out. I look at Hermione and she's definitely heart broken.

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