Chapter 166

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Draco jumps onto Harry's broom and Goyle onto Ron's. They sure are happy for the help. at least I think so. I'm the last to fly out of the room and as I tumble to the ground and as I look back to see the snake forming in the fire,I throw the diadem to the fround infront of Harry.

He lifts the tooth and as soon as it makes contact with the diadem,black smoke explodes from it. I fall to my knees and hold my head for what feels like the millionth time. My throat burns and I feel blood drip from my fave into my hands.

" It's the snake. She's the last one. It's the last Horcrux" Harry pants as Ron helps me up.

" Look inside him, Harry" I whisper to him. My tears burn my cheeks and I grit my teeth as the pain fades.

" Find out where he is, if you find him, we can find the snake. And we can end this!" Ron says as he sits me down next to Harry. I close my eyes for the pain I'm about to feel but before it comes Harry grabs my hand. It hurts...but far less then usual. I take deep breaths and when Harry breaths heavily beside me,I open my eyes.

"I know where he is"

We run from the corridor through the battle. A spell almost hits Hermione but Ron stops her right before it hits her. They Giant in the middle of the court yard swings his weapon but we dive down next to school bell,laying on the floor. Broken. He hits the bell and we rum the movement it gets distracted.

The spiders surround us as we bolt inbetween the giants legs,running through the people,killing each other. I hear a boy yell,"crucio" and my heart breaks in that moment that it had come to this.

"Come on!" Harry brings me back to reality. "No!" Hermione yells as she spots Lavender on the ground,Fenrir Grayback feeding on her.

Hermione casts a spell and the werewolf shoots back into the night.

We run to where the beautiful entrance to my home used to be and as we look at what our options are and how to get to the docks,dementors are raving toward us,"Expecto Patronum!" I yell and my blue Lynx shoot from my wand creating a massive forcefield around us. I notice that my patronus isn't the only one,I look behind me to see Aberforth. He hadn't given. Hermione was right.

I struggle for breath as we make it to the docks. We duck behind a window where we can barely see Voldemort and Snape.

"You have performed extra-ordinary magic with this wand, My Lord, in the last few hours alone" Snape tells Voldemort what he wants to hear.

"No! No! I am extra-ordinary. But the wand resists me" Voldemorts voice rattles me.

" There is no wand more powerful. Ollivander himself has said it. Tonight, when the boy comes. It will not fail you, I am sure ... It answers to you, and you only"

" Does it?" Voldemort says.

" My Lord?"

" The wand, does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know... Where does its true loyalty lie?"

"With you... Of course, My Lord. The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly, because I am not its true master. The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus. But only I can live forever." Voldemort announces and I cover my mouth with my hand. I know what's next.

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