He is dead awful

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"first off. Let me introduce the newest member of our staff ,Horace Slughorn" Dumbledore guides his hand to the old man,the man stood up from the teacher's table as we all applauded.,"Professor Slughorn, I'm happy to say has agreed to resume his old post as potions master"

I look across the table at Hermione. We'll be having classes with Slughorn now,"Meanwhile,the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape"Dumbledore finishes. At least Snape could finally live out his dream after Umbridge tortured him about it for so long.

The students gasp at Dumbledore's information and the Slytherin table erupt in applaud but others are a little more reluctant.

"Now,as you know,each and everyone one of you was searched upon your arrival tonight and you have the right to know why" Everyone is dead silent. I look around the table but no one is looking at me, their eyes are fixed on Dumbledore,"Once there was a young man who,like you,sat in this very hall,walked this castle's corridors,slept under it's roof. He seemed to all the world a student like any other. His name? Tom Riddle" I jump at the use of his name.

Students begin to whisper and chatter. I remember Tom Riddle being my boggart back in my third year. And the fact that I almost died at his hands if it hadn't been for Harry.

"Today,of course, he's known all over the world by another name. Which is why,as I stand look out upon you all tonight, I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Every day,every hour,this very minute perhaps dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls. But in the end,their greatest weapon is you. Jist something to think about." I've never seen Dumbledore so serious,he seems even nervous about the state of the world.

I look over at Draco and Valerie,Draco seems down and Valerie caresses his hand as she holds it. I remember a time I was close to Draco but our friendship came to an end as soon as school started. He tortured my friends,I couldn't be friends with someone like that. But if Valerie chooses to go down that path and she enjoys his company,I won't put it to a stop or get in the way.

Dumbledore hurries us to bed as Ron makes a comment about how cheerful it was.


Hermione and I walk down to Potions Class. Even though I never liked Snape that much,I needed to take Potions to become an Auror. But now that Slughorn is teaching, I'm not as sure how I'll end up.

Slughorn is explaining the importance of planning as I see Harry and Ron walk through the door. Great. "Ah! Harry,my boy. I was beginning to worry!" Slughorn speaks to Harry. Of course Harry knows him,or more like Slughorn knows Harry. Everyone knows Harry.

"You've brought someone with us,I see" Slughorn looks at Ron,"Ron Weasley,sir. But I'm dead awful at Potions,a menace actually.  So I'm probably just gonna..." Ron tries to leave the room but Harry stops him from behind. Ron was out bof breath telling me they did not expect to take this class and had ran to make it on time.

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