[3] Proud of You, Sis!

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Chapter 3: Proud of You, Sis!

King Cobra was frightened, scared that his wife and Queen may not pull through this time.

Titi was a strong woman, she had been that way since the first day he met her. So to see her like this, sweating while gasping for air with a pained expression, Cobra felt his heart clutch.

The worst thing was, she had suggested they not go on this trip, that she had a bad feeling about it, but Cobra had insisted on going. Vivi was growing up, she was 5 years old now, so she needed to start getting familiar with the nearby Kingdoms. The trip itself had gone very well, they had visited three nearby Kingdoms and spent some time in their Royal abode before taking their leave. The problem only arose while they were on their way home, his wife had caught a sickness that the ship's doctor couldn't identify.

At least, the doctor could keep Titi's condition in check, but he just happened to get shot and killed in the small skirmish the ship had with a Pirate Ship.

Now, just a single day away from Alabasta, Titi's condition was in a state that Cobra feared she might not make it. She needed serious help and he was willing to pay anything for it. He swore to himself that, if someone does save his wife, he will change their life.

* * *

Upon reaching the ship, Hashirama saw more people whom he had only seen behind a screen in his previous life.

The King of Alabasta, Cobra, was much younger than he remembered, and much worried too. Then there was a young Nefertari Vivi who was crying beside her mother's bed. Finally, the Queen of Alabasta, Nefertari Titi, an almost carbon copy of older Vivi, who probably died on this ship in the canon timeline. She was gently grabbing her daughter's hands and telling her to not cry, that everything was fine.

Hashirama wasn't a medic expert, but he could tell symptoms when he saw one, thanks to his sister taking it on herself to teach him the basics. Nefertari Titi was not fine.

"Igaram, did you find the doctor?! Who are these two?" Cobra rushed to Igaram, looking at his eyes in hope.

"Yo," Hashirama waved a hand before Igaram could say anything. "We are the doctors."

"...Igaram, this-" Cobra turned to Igaram who nodded. "Alright, I am trusting you on this..." His eyes shone in a strange, helpless light that explained his whole emotion on this matter.

Tsunade put Hashirama down, quickly rushing to the patient to grab her wrist and feel her pulse.

She frowned a moment later. "Four Clover Poison." She said, "Oh God, it's unbelievable how she's holding so strong."

Cobra flinched. "F-Four Clover what? Wait, she's been poisoned? But how-"

"Sir, I am sorry, but I don't think it's a very good idea to interrupt the doctor when she's working." Hashirama interrupted the King, again talking beyond his age but it did make the King shut up. "Thank you. Let her handle it, she's kinda pretty good at this."

"Shira," Tsunade turned to him, looking genuinely worried for her patient. "Run home and fetch some Five Clover petals. Be careful, pick only the Five Clovers, any other and it may as well worsen her condition."

"Alright," Hashirama nodded, making way to the door. "I will be back right away."

Then he kicked the edge of the ship and made a huge leap toward the island, making Cobra blink and Vivi's eyes wide.

In One Piece, as Hashirama SenjuWhere stories live. Discover now