[72] To Not Let Him Slip Away (1)

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Chapter 72: To Not Let Him Slip Away (1)

In the canon timeline, Nami stabbed her arm where the Arlong Pirates tattoo was present. This time, she didn't have to do that. However, that didn't mean she didn't want to change that tattoo – if possible.

The Vinpearl Amusement Park, where Hashirama brought his crew as he had self-promised, had the tools to implant tattoos. Hashirama just had to cut the skin on her arm, use Mystical Palms to heal it right away, and then put a new tattoo on it.

When Nami woke up from the anesthesia dose, waking up from her sleepy state, she sat up and froze looking at the mirror.

"Does that seem good enough?"

The sound of people having fun was filling the tent that Hashirama and Nami were inside. The sound of multiple rides moving in the background was not exactly pleasant to the ears, but as Nami looked into the mirror, she couldn't be any happier.

Although people were busy outside, the smell of activity was clear, inside the tent was silent. Nami sat on a bed, and Hashirama stood beside her, they stared at the large body-sized mirror in front of them and watched the result of their actions.

It was seamless, the tattoo on her left arm. The mark that once represented Arlong's flag was gone and replacing it was a new cute tattoo. Nobody could tell another tattoo existed here before.

"I had to fight the urge to draw something funny, like a d-"

Hashirama tried to break the silence, but Nami turned around and threw herself on his chest. Hashirama gasped dramatically and stopped speaking.


"Thank you."

Hashirama knew how to use a tattoo machine, and his skills with Fuinjutsu helped too. That's why, although the tattoo on her arm was the same as the one in the cannon timeline, it was a little more beautiful.

Nami, who was still a little mad at Hashirama for leaving with her abruptly, now hugged him tightly as her heart tightened with the feeling of further gratefulness.

...The two didn't notice when Vivi came to check on them by lifting the veil of the tent slightly. Seeing the scene inside, she stayed silent for a moment and then walked away.

* * *

Tsunade just fought Vergo near the Reverse Mountain. Now, she was still there, waiting for Hashirama to come out.

However, she would be annoyed to know that he was nowhere near the Reverse Mountain. The ship of the Senju Pirates was approaching the calm belt, instead.

The sky was dark, yet it was filled with countless little stars. The moon hung on the dark blue veil, and the crew started their drinking session.

The sound of booze filling up cups after cups spread through the deck of Sail of Ohara. The ship cut through the sea waves and moved forward at a remarkable speed, leaving for the calm belt.

"Now that a few days have passed since you were injured, you should be able to drink safely."

Hashirama offered Nami a cup that she slowly accepted. The other girls also accepted it, with Vivi wearing a frown as she looked down at the booze, her mind busy.

It's been two days since Nami left her village. The crew made their way to the Vinpearl Amusement Park and spent a day there. Clone-rama-1 had promised to bring the entire crew to that place after getting Nami, so the Main Hashirama was just living up to that promise.

Karoo was tired from the activities all day long, so she was asleep. The four girls and Hashirama were the only ones awake, and except for him, the others were dead tired.

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