[117] Attitude For What?

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Chapter 117: Attitude For What?

Hashirama wasn't sure how to approach the Uzumaki girl, so he just walked to her when she was walking back into the waiting room through a long hallway.

King Elizabello II and his two goons were being taken to the medic in a stretcher trolley. Hashirama felt a little regret about just letting them go; he wished to make the King spit out secrets like that guy...


Hashirama frowned. Like that guy – who? It took him a second before he realized that Sugar had already turned whomever he was thinking about into a Toy. Hashirama had forgotten that man already... however, it wasn't a complete erasure, his meta knowledge did come to help.

He could remember what he learned from that person – Explosion Boxing. That knowledge made it easy to pinpoint whomever it was thanks to his cannon knowledge. It was Ideo, the long-armed tribe member.

He still couldn't remember him from his general memories, what he did in the fight against Marigold and-

Immediately Hashirama's body recoiled. A thick fog that was apparently clouding his thoughts burst apart. The effects of the Toy-Toy Fruit were crushed into blisters as it ceased to exist in his head. At a moment's notice, he not only remembered everything about Ideo but also the other members of Block A that he had forgotten about without notice.

"Oh. What an odd feeling."

Hashirama felt a growth in his... existence? Was that the correct word? He felt whole again, and he somehow knew that would have a lasting effect. It was odd but he somehow knew he was too 'strong' for the Toy-Toy's side-effects to work on him again.

Hashirama stopped thinking about it. It was a good thing, he appreciated it, but he had an immediate problem in front of him. King Elizabello II had already been carried away, and there was no way Hashirama could interrogate him now – plus a feeling, a new feeling, told him that the King wouldn't break so easily like Ideo. That was his Kingdom's secret, he would rather die than hand over the martial art.

Hashirama ultimately decided to put the matter on the back of his head. He was going to save Dressrosa, and that'd also help King Elizabello's kingdom a lot too, so maybe he could just ask the man about the technique afterward. Otherwise, he always had Viola's mind-reading power to take advantage of.

Instead, he looked down at the girl who had stopped in front of him and had been staring up at his mask for a few seconds. She was a few inches shorter than his 6'2" form, standing at probably 5"11, but that was miles taller than her cannon self. Wearing an outfit that was a bit different than the usual Marines, probably due to the fact that she was participating in this tourney, she stood quite gorgeously.

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She was looking up at him

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She was looking up at him... and it seemed she had recognized him.

"Hashirama Senju. So you did come as Tsunade said."

In One Piece, as Hashirama SenjuWhere stories live. Discover now