[141] Fight For Authority (1)

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Chapter 141: Fight For Authority (1)

Birds chirped and the wind gently blew her hair, the atmosphere was full of the smell of sunflowers. Tsunade sipped tea as she sat outside the wooden hut, behind a small round table with her brother sitting beside her.

Marianne was there too, silent and looking to the side, avoiding meeting gazes with the other two, as she sipped tea.

"Hmm," Hashirama was done with his tea, he drank it a bit too fast and his tongue was burned, though it healed right away. Now he had his head tilted and resting on his hand and stared at his sister in silence.

"How did you grow taller?" He asked, "I was really confident that I would be taller than you since we were the same height last time. How does a woman in her 30s grow two more inches? Unbelievable."

Hashirama stood at 6 feet 2.5 inches, while she stood at the same height as Hancock, at 6 feet and 3 inches. Remembering Hancock, he suddenly blinked.

"It's most likely related to marine training and the food. The food I ate in the last few years was not only tasty but also filled with so much nutrition." She revealed her guess. "There are ten-foot-tall humans working in the marines; Garp is nine feet something, for example. In this world, we humans can surpass our limits if we train and fight hard. Look at me, I was certain for a long time that I wasn't born with Conqueror's Haki, but here we are."

"That makes sense. The limit of biology can be overpowered with training." He said, and for some reason, Marianne snapped her head to look at him right away. "What?"

"It's nothing," she said before she bit her lip and quickly added, "Well you are born with a lottery of a body, it feels privileged talk when you say stuff like that. Though I am sure you didn't mean it like that."

He smiled widely. "I didn't? Maybe." Then he turned back to Tsunade. "Let's forget this subject, where is Hancock?"

They were just burning time, really, there was no worth or cause behind the topics of conversation they'd been indulging in the past few minutes. Now, he was interested in something more important.

"Hancock? Right," Tsunade took a breath in and called out. "Hancock, Shira is looking for you!"

"Where?!" There was not a second of delay before the door of the hut behind them burst open and a tall woman poked her head out.

Boa Hancock, dressed in her purple and black qipao dress, leaped towards the table and threw herself on Hashirama's back. She put her arms around his neck from behind and smiled with her eyes closed.

"I saw his severed wings when I woke up, honey, it was so satisfying!" She referred to King the Wildfire's Lunarian wings that were cut and Hashirama carried them to the hut. "As expected of my honey, you're always there to avenge me~ kyah! Are you hurt anywhere?"

"He healed himself," Tsunade replied in his stead, for some reason. Sipping tea and staring at her with perplexed eyes. "I never thought I'd see this side of you, Hancock."

Hancock blinked, tilting her head, and then flinched. Her face went red and she hid it behind his head. "..."

Tsunade put her chin in her hand and let out a laugh. "Thanks for taking care of him for the past few weeks. Though be careful, don't let him play with your heart."

"What? I don't play hearts," he said with an offended frown, as he put his arm up to hold her shoulders, and then yanked her around. He put her on his lap, her head inclined on his arm. "She's a cute little girl in the body of a big woman, how can I play with her heart?"

In One Piece, as Hashirama SenjuWhere stories live. Discover now