[119] Pure Dominance (1)

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Chapter 119: Pure Dominance (1)

On the tall tower-like structure built on top of the colosseum, the four guests and the host of this entire event exchanged words. All of them happened to be people of few words, with King and Smoothie being the most withdrawn, but Tsunade and Hancock did exchange some words, and that pushed the words to talk a bit as well.

"So far, things have only proceeded as predicted. It's our people who are winning, though there have been a few close calls." King the Wildfire commented, looking down at the arena that was being repaired for the next game.

"Indeed. Especially Don Chinjao, he was an unexpected enigma in this event, I wasn't expecting to see him here. Your representative got lucky, King." Charlotte Pudding added, giving King a look with her one eye that wasn't covered by her white hair.

King didn't take the 'lucky' jab in silence. "Careful, your representative's match is next. Luck may not shine on him if you bicker with others."

Smoothie just scoffed at that comment. Charlotte Daifuku was the middle brother of the triplets consisting of Katakuri and Oven, and while he was the weakest of the three in Smoothie's opinion, he was definitely one of the top 10 fighters in the family. Ulti herself was top 10 in the Beast Pirates, as she was a part of the "Fling Six" who were the strongest after Kaido and his three commanders. So really, Ulti and Daifuku could be said to be of similar strength, even if Smoothie would argue her brother was stronger than that little girl.

So, yes, she didn't think Daifuku would lose – even if he had a bounty of 300 million, a hundred less than the girl. Unless there was an enigma surpassing Don Chinjao in Block D, which she very much doubted, then things will indeed go as predicted and Daifuku will win.

"Now, guests. It would be better if you pay attention to the arena now, the participants for this match are walking in." Doflamingo intervened before any more talk could happen, and everyone respectfully looked down.

Many kinds of warriors walked in, varying in appearance and size, but few caught their attention. Other than the obvious Charlotte Daifuku, one of the warriors who caught their attention was a giant man, and they recognized him based on previous rumors.

When the word "giant man" was said, it didn't mean a particularly large man like Don Chinjao or even the taller King the Wildfire, it was a more literal word – because this was a 72 feet tall giant warrior from Elbaf.

Hajrudin the Mercenary.

There were another few eye-catchers, but the one that everyone noticed was Cavendish of the White Horse, the exiled prince of the Bourgeois Kingdom. Despite everything, the ladies in the room seemed to admit the titles about his beauty weren't exaggerated. Even Boa Hancock, the World's Most Beautiful woman, frowned slightly at him – though that probably went to show just feminine the man looked if his looks made Hancock worry.

Tsunade, Hancock, and Smoothie were one thing, but even the three female escorts present behind their seats were strong women. Such feminine beauty from a man wasn't attractive to them, unlike the general population of girls who yelled from the audience.

Just when they thought nobody interesting would be entering, the last participant of this entire event walked in. It was King the Wildfire who reacted first, nearly standing up. The others shot him a look, and while the escorts didn't know what was going on, the main guests understood.

The young man who had walked in was special, with full muscle visible through his cotton white tee shirt that had an open chain running down to his chest. That wasn't the special part, of course, the special part was the pair of wings behind him, with a wooden slate hanging between the two wings. From this far it wasn't very clear, but they were of dark color as if made of black feathers just like King himself.

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