[97] Let Me Explain!

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Chapter 97: Let Me Explain!

'Holy shit, that was artistic.'

Hashirama yawned and stretched his arms. With droopy eyes, he sat up and looked around.

The incident that led to him losing consciousness was beautiful. It wasn't a secret to him that Haki could block direct Devil Fruit effects, but he wasn't sure how to use that side of Haki. In the end, he had just released a burst of Conqueror's Haki in the hope to stay safe, and it had worked.

The rush of power and adrenaline was still there in his veins.

Hashirama remembered everything in vivid detail, and could also make out the last incident even though he didn't see the attacker with his eyes. It was a granny.

Either the impact was just super strong, or his pressurized head was prone to harm in that state. Or it could be both, actually. In the end, he blacked out.

"Huh, but where is this?"

Hashirama roamed his head around the room he was in. Well, the room was a big word for this, this was a prison cell.

Situated right beside the street, with three of the four walls around him being solid concrete, and only the front somewhat open. It was bars made of heavy gold, showing the street on the other side. This was a shameful prison, where everyone could see who was inside. Hashirama noticed some girls peeking at him from afar, hiding behind houses and all that.

Oh, and it was already daytime. So the festival had ended, and everyone who didn't have much to do began to gather behind houses. At first, they were just peeking from there, but soon they began to come forward.

In ten minutes, the front of Hashirama's prison cell was filled with countless half-naked girls, wearing bikinis, who looked at him in awe.

They mumbled, whispered, and stared.

Hashirama needed to mention that he wasn't naked, unlike Luffy who was in the same situation in another timeline. He was stripped off his shirt and pants and left on a pair of boxers, but he wasn't naked.

Still, that attracted enough attention on its own. Everyone just stared, eyes glued on the bulge in his pants.

"What is that..."

"Is that..."

Some of the older women seemed to know that it was, while the younger ones simply looked at it in curiosity.

"How shameless of you lots."

Hashirama shook his head and stood up. Their stares were amusing for the first few minutes, but now he was back to normal. He stood up and looked for a way out.

The women blinked, blushing lightly at being called shameless. Not everyone reacted shyly, however, a few flinched back and growled.

"Shut up, intruder! To have dared to enter our country as a male!"

"Why is a female talking?"

Everyone gasped at his reply, while he casually stretched his arms and looked for a way out. The girls gossiped, shocked and speechless.

"He thinks we shouldn't talk just because we are women?"

"So men do look down on women!"

"For him to say such a thing..."

"How despicable!"

Hashirama frowned once he realized the entire cell was shut from all sides. No door whatsoever. It was made of special materials too, so breaking it would be a bit hard.

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