[69] New Recruit?!

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Chapter 69: New Recruit?!

When Clone-rama-1 dispersed, his memories had traveled at the speed of light to reach Hashirama the main.

Clone-rama-2 was also affected by the chakra and received the memory, that's why he could continue the conversation with Nojiko from earlier.

The Main knew that as long as Clone-2 was present, nothing would go wrong in Cocoyashi Village. However, he knew he had to go there himself.

"So we were planning to stay for four days, but an emergency happened. Well, at least we spent three here."

Hashirama stood beside the three girls of his crew. Before them, the cooks of Baratie stood with a smile on their faces as they heard him talk.

"Ahhh, a pity. These few days were one of the more fun days in this restaurant. Not only was our ship renewed, I even got to teach a person like Mikita. I feel proud just thinking about the heights that she would reach."

Jeff the head chef spoke, smiling at Mikita like a master profound.

Three days here affected Mikita's skills more than the two years she spent in the Grandline with Robin. It's how some things were in life. If you have a base to something, you can reverse engineer it and then copy it. Her special tongue made that an easy thing to do for a cook.

Mikita bowed a little to show respect to the old cook.

"I'm so thankful for your guidance these few days. I will remember everything I learned here."

"Haha, it's all right."

Jeff smiled with his eyes closed and stroked his beard.

Sanji wept on the side, heartbroken that they were leaving, as the other two girls exchanged some words as well.

Soon afterward, the crew hopped on their ship and took off. Waving their hands at the restaurant, they drifted towards the moon in the far.

A few days later, Baratie will finally learn whom they had housed for three days. That the ones they thought were adventurers, were actually wanted Pirates all along. After a short silence of shock, the cooks will just laugh it off.

* * *

The moon was quite high in the sky; it was nearly midnight. Yet the citizens of Cocoyashi Village were awake.

Arlong ruled all of the Conomi Islands. It's an archipelago located in the northwestern region of East Blue. The Cocoyashi village was just one of the smaller islands of this large area. Now, the entire archipelago was in a festival-like state.

In Cocoyashi Village, tables were placed outside the bar. Drinks were served outdoors, under the moon, as people drank to their heart's contents.

"Gahahaha! That's a funny one- ah, can I tell you a joke?"

Genzo and Hashirama sat nearby, the older man looked much happier than usual. No, he looked happier than seen in the last decade. He felt free right now, and he was free, that sentiment was further increased by his drunk state.

"Sure, go ahead."

Hashirama raised the glass of booze before him and said. He was finally feeling the drink on his head. It was starting to feel good since he was running low on chakra.

"What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little whine."

Hashirama had just taken a sip, as he choked and coughed. The nearby people who heard the joke also coughed, taken off-guard by the dad joke.

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