[135] Crazy Plans

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Chapter 135: Crazy Plans

Hashirama flew back to Green Bit, it was safe from the angry people of Dressrosa as they couldn't fly, and the chance was low that they'd take the half-broken bridge that connected Dressrosa to Green Bit.

There were super tall trees and fungus on this island, and they were bigger now after Hashirama fixed them. He decided to land on top of one of the largest mushrooms that touched the clouds, dropping on the smooth surface of its purple head and sitting down.

Tsunade landed and sat beside him. "So tell me about your crew," she started suddenly. "They seem like an interesting bunch. Also, how did you fool Vice-Admiral Tsuru with Robin's death?"

Hashirama slowly turned to her, realizing that she had recognized Robin. Robin from back then, tanned from the heat of Alabasta, wearing a cowboy hat, was different from the Robin now. Her skin tone was different, and so was her hairstyle; her entire getup itself was of another style. While she rocked a modern sassy spy vibe before, she looked like an elegant lady now.

So Hashirama was surprised that Tsunade recognized the archeologist, even though they had never met before.

"...I used a Wood Clone." He shrugged and explained, turning back to look at the sky as the clouds layered beyond his gaze.

Hashirama told her the story of how Robin begged him to hand her over to the Marines, and he handed over a Wood-clone instead which was using the Transformation Jutsu to pretend to be Robin. He told Tsunade how Robin made a stupid decision and fled Alabasta without him, taking his money, and then returned three years later.

He told him about how he kidnapped Vivi, how he tied her up when she realized what he was planning to do, and set out to the sea. Then the Mikita rescue episodes, after which the crew went to East Blue to recruit Nami. Then a little detour to Amazon Lily, and finally, here in Dressrosa.

"Not bad for a journey," Tsunade said. She paused for a moment then, hesitating and then sitting closer. She put her right arm around his shoulder and then gently pulled him down to put his head on her lap. "Looks like you've been doing well for the past few years. When did this womanizing episode begin, though?"

"Er- After Robin left. Felt a little annoyed, and decided to release some desires. In no time, I was sleeping with girls from around the capital city, the maids of the castle, and then some more. It's addicting, you know?" He shrugged, while she put a hand on his cheek, gently holding his face and smiling down at him. "You and I already agreed that I'd have multiple lovers, starting with Vivi. So I didn't hold back much after sailing."

"I did hold back a little though," he added. "Otherwise I'd have Robin and Nami on my bed already, too. Oh, and Hancock. That girl is cute."

"Hancock's a woman, not a girl," Tsunade remembered the impression she had of her new friend and said. "I am surprised you managed to win her heart."

"She's a little girl at heart, that's why." He said. "Err, not that I'm proficient in winning little girls' hearts. She's cute."

"Oh-ho?" Tsunade laughed and pinched his cheek as if he was a baby. "So my Shira can charm women well? Look how much you've grown up."

He gave her a dry look. "What a surprise."

"Shut up," she pinched his nose, making him stare up at her with a smile. "I... really missed you. I'm sorry I'm late."

"You are forgiven," He pretended to sound like a wise hermit as he said that, making her scoff in amusement.

"What are you gonna do about the girls? They looked mad." Tsunade finally returned to the important topic.

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