[118] Hasshoken!

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Chapter 118: Hasshoken!

Block C was interesting, and Hashirama recognized a lot of people from there. He had to mention that this tourney didn't have many of the participants from cannon since that tourney happened two years later. Bartolomeo wasn't here, for example.

So many of the original participants weren't here either, but many were. None of that mattered though, as more interesting parties were present here. With a few of the Beast Pirate members clearing the mobs for her, Ulti the Dino was sweeping the floor with stronger opponents.

Marigold hadn't taken any Kuja Pirates with her, and while he hadn't been present in the Block B game at the beginning, he doubted Marianne needed other Marine help either. To begin with, the fact that a Marine was participating while another was attending as a guest was an impossible concept to swallow, only possible due to Doffy pulling strings with the World Government.

Marigold and Marianne didn't take help from their respectable factions, but Ulti was using her subordinates. He couldn't read her expression due to her mask, but she seemed a little pissed at that – probably being forced by All-Star King to take help.

"The stronger of the arena usually avoided fighting at the beginning, more so if they had a group fighting for them. To conserve energy for the bigger fighters. So it's odd to see her go all out and start to clear the number, while even Don Chinjao is waiting behind his grandsons, only moving if a stray fool comes his way."

Rebecca commented as she watched the match beside Hashirama and Marigold. Hashirama had his Observation Haki running to observe everything in the field, unwilling to miss on someone with unique powers.

Sadly, while Hashirama noticed a few, mostly movement skills, they didn't really interest him much. In the end, it was Hasshoken alone that had his attention. How could he not be attracted to the idea of performing a low-budget Buddha Palm of the current Fleet Admiral?

In his Golden Buddha form, Sengoku's palm attacks were said to rival the quakes of Whitebeard. The two powers were very similar since they both worked with vibration as their base, but the application was slightly different. Hasshoken used vibration too, but its application was similar to Sengoku's palm blasts than the otherwise more feared Whitebeard's earthquake.

Hashirama once more found himself lost in fantasy, as all the thousand hands of his Wooden Buddha would use Hasshoken to clash with Sengoku's palm blasts. He wondered if a thousand Hasshoken at once could rival a single of those blasts, or simply overpower it.

"Tch, dammit."

Hashirama cursed, but the two girls beside him took that as a worry for Beidou, who was just hit on her thigh by some boxing guy. However, Hashirama wasn't worried about that, he had reacted remembering his rejection a month ago.

Naturally, Hashirama had asked Beidou – jokingly, he must add – to teach him the secrets of Hasshoken. Beidou had nearly attacked him back then. So obviously, he couldn't learn this juicy technique from her, she valued it a lot. That left him to try this on either of her two brothers, Boo and Sai, or Don Chinjao himself.

'Impossible with the gramps, Sai is strong-willed too. That Boo guy, though...'

Hashirama couldn't help but grin behind his mask as Boo came to coincidentally clash with Beidou, who had just beaten the boxing guy even though he was still in the arena, having been saved by someone larger who seemed to be his brother.

Boo was using Hasshoken, but Beidou was stronger than him even without using her family technique. With her fish-sword in hand, she was handling herself well, until something weird happened.

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