[56] Marine Matters

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Chapter 56: Marine Matters

"Marianne. Get ready, we are going to Marineford."

Marianne Uzumaki. It was the name given to her by her father. Though her father said the name was pre-chosen before her birth by her grandparents whom she never got to meet.

Walking behind Tsunade, into the marine warship, Marinna couldn't help but look back. How did she come here?

Marianne, now almost 16 years old, was a Marine Rear Admiral.

It was pure luck that she met Tsunade Senju that day, two and half a year ago, on a traveling ship. That single encounter changed her life.

Looking back, how crazy was it? Perhaps, this is what people meant when they said the word 'fate'.

Tsunade's parents and her own parents were siblings, so Tsunade was her cousin. More than two decades ago, the Senju Pirates were attacked by an Admiral and disbanded. While Tsunade's full family managed to escape, Marianne's father too managed to escape without notifying anyone.

After that, the man led a normal life. He met a normal woman, fell in love, and had Marianne. He also taught her the [Fuinjutsu: Colors Trap] that he had made himself. Unfortunately, death claimed him and his wife when Marianne was 12 years old. It was a disease that infected the island she lived on, and killed nearly everyone there.

She, her mother, and father, all of them were infected.

While her parents died, Marianne's metabolism seemed to be strong enough to resist it. She remembered her father said something along the lines of that- while she didn't receive much chakra from her Uzumaki side, she did receive the Senju body of her grandfather. So her immune system was stronger.

Marianne didn't want to leave the island, scared that she might spread the disease to everyone outside the island. Sadly, her parents made her promise them that she would leave and find a cure for herself. As it was their last promise before death, Marianne couldn't refuse.

Marianne set sail into the sea.

Sadly, she got captured by a pirate crew just a day after.

She worked as an errand girl on their ship and didn't even receive proper human treatment due to her sickness. The people feared that they might catch it too if they touched her.

Then, in the second month since she was captured, her pirate ship attacked a traveling ship. That was the end of that pirate crew's career, and the start of Marianne's better living hood.

Tsunade Senju didn't only rescue her, she didn't just cure her disease either, she remade her entire self into a greater version.

Her existence felt better and greater, as if she was reborn. Now she was taller, hotter, and an overall killer.

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