Chapter 6

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"Oh well," I stated out loud as I looked at something that was delivered.

Andy's secret anniversary present arrived for me. I had no idea that he had ordered it but I managed to drag it in myself while he was away. He told me it was going to be delivered today and not to snoop. How could I snoop if it was already unwrapped?

The box was by itself. The store did not put it in a shipping crate or box. It was a brand-new set of silver Ludwig drums. I had been talking to KC about picking up an instrument. She suggested starting with the drums. Was she biased? Of course! But, I did not care.

I stared at the box. Would Andy believe me? 

Biscuit circled the box and sniffed it. 

"You can't eat this Biscuit," I told her sternly.

She whimpered and went to lie down.

"Darling did you open it?" my husband's voice echoed from behind me.

"No love oh my god it came this way," I told him worried.

Andy looked at the box and could tell I wasn't lying.

"There goes the surprise I had planned I am so sorry darling," Andy replied as he looked for the shipping label.

"It's ok I mean I can pretend I didn't see it," I told him.

"I was going to set them up and surprise you the day before our anniversary weekend since we are going to be in Utah celebrating the whole weekend," Andy replied as he begin trying to push the box down the hall to the music room.

"Don't worry I'm not mad," I told him as he looked at me for help.

"C-can you help me push the box? It's heavier than I thought," Andy replied.

I chuckled as I went to help him.

As we pushed the box, he asked me questions.

"Did you know  I was getting these for you?" Andy asked.

I shook my head.

"I honestly had no idea. KC is a very good secret keeper," I told him.

"I wish they had been shipped in a crate or something," Andy replied sort of bummed.

"I can still pretend I never saw it,"  I told him.

Andy chuckled.

"I love you for that," Andy replied smiling.

"Well it was a huge surprise and the Ludwig company ruined it," I said chuckling.

"If we get them set up sooner, which I won't tell you if and when I do, maybe Karen can give you a few lessons?" Andy wandered out loud.

"Oh, that would be so fun. I've always wanted to play an instrument and when KC was talking the other day about playing drums, I was drawn to get all the technicalities about the drums," I replied as we arrived at the music room door.

"I was wondering how long it would take KC to start talking about it. I ordered these over a month ago," Andy gestured to the box as we struggled to push it through the door.

"Karen is a really good secret keeper," I said nudging him.

"I'm glad she is cause if she had spoiled the surprise, I would have been mad," Andy commented. 

"As dumb and naive as I am, I probably would not have known what the heck she was referring to," I replied as I got my finger smashed.

Andy's eyes went wide.

"Are you ok darling?" Andy asked as he grabbed my hand to examine it.

"Yes it just grazed my finger that's all," I replied to Andy.

"It's all red does it hurt?" Andy asked as he studied my finger.

"A bit but we need to finish getting the box inside," I told him.

Andy sighed as we did the last final pushes of the box.

"Now let's go look at your finger darling," Andy said dragging me to the bathroom.

"Honestly it's fine love," I said as Andy began running cold water over it.

"Does it hurt to move it?" Andy asked.

I shook my head.

"It's just a little sore love," I replied.

"I would just ice it just to be on the safe side," Andy remarked as he patted my finger dry.

"You should have gone into nursing love," I joked

"I just wanna take care of my darling, no one else," Andy replied chuckling.

"I see," I remarked. 

What other surprises could hold today? We will never know except the stars do. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now