Chapter 125

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"So what are you going to get him for his birthday?" Karen asked as we were looking over the food menu in front of us.

Karen invited me out to have lunch and go shopping-retail therapy in a sense.

"I don't know. Andy has not been himself so I'm thinking of asking his family to come in for his birthday," I told her as the waitress came over to take our order.

We paused our conversation to order then went right back.

"It might be a good idea to do so. He's been really down since Chestnut right?" Karen asked me.

I sighed and shook my head.

"His birthday is in 3ish weeks, right? I would call his family when you get home, and then arrange a surprise birthday dinner," Karen suggested.

"That's genius," I told her as I sipped my coffee.

"That way, it is less worry about travel and more time for you two to be together after his family goes home," Karen explained.

"I like your thinking KC," I told her happily.

And so, we conversed, ate till our heart's content, and shopped till I felt enough therapy was done.

About 1:30, I arrived home to an empty house. 

"Andrew?" I called as I entered the house.

No Andy in site.

I took advantage of this time to call the Gibb Compound in Florida.

I rang Barry first.

After a couple of rings, Linda answered.

"Hello," Linda asked.

"Hi Linda it's me," I told her.

"Oh hey what's up?" she asked me.

"Is Barry around? I need to ask him something. Well actually both of you," I told her.

"Sure hold on," Linda commented as I heard a muffled "Barry."

"Ok now you are on speaker phone," Linda informed me.

"Hey (Y/N) what's the matter?" Barry asked.

"Nothing is the matter. I have a favor to ask of you all. Would it be possible in your schedule to fly in for Andy's birthday in a couple of weeks?" I asked kindly.

"Oh that's why you called?" Linda asked chuckling.

"Yes. He's not being himself and I want his birthday to be a refreshing new start for the rest of the year,"  I explained.

"We will be there. Us and I will let Mo know too," Barry told me.

"Thanks a lot you guys. I appreciate you," I told them.

"We will call to confirm the stuff later on. When are you at work?" Linda asked.

"Oh I'm at work tomorrow from 9-12,"  I told her.

"Great I will call you at work so Andy doesn't know what we are planning," Linda told me.

"Good idea," Barry remarked.

"Yeah that is a good idea," I told them.

I heard the sound of a door shutting.

"Andy's home so I better go," I told them.

"Bye," they briefly told me.

"Darling I'm home," Andy called throughout the house.

"In the den," I called out.

Andy's footsteps rang through the hall to the den.

"Hi darling," Andy commented as he came down the two steps.

He had a bouquet of roses with him.

"Hi how are you?" I asked him as he kissed me.

"Good. These are for you," Andy told me as he gestured the roses toward me.

"Aw you shouldn't have," I remarked as I smelt the roses.

"Flowers arent just for special occasions. They are for whenever," Andy told me.

"You are a sap Andy," I told him.

"I know I am and so what?" Andy replied smiling.

This was the happiest I had seen him in days.

"I love that you are a sap. Especially a sap for me," I told him with a smile.

"Let's get them into some water," Andy told me as he gestured for me to follow him.

"Ok ok," I told him.

When we made it to the kitchen, he had the counter covered in Chinese takeout.

"Is this an impromptu date?" I asked him.

"I know you went out with Karen for breakfast this morning and are probably stuffed but I thought we could eat till our heart's content," Andy told me.

I smiled at him.

"You did this for us?" I asked him.

"Of course darling," Andy told me.

"I love you," I told him.

"Now let's get those roses in some water and we will sit down for our Chinese food date," Andy told me proudly.

"Sounds wonderful to me," I told him as I went to go look for a vase.

Andy followed me to the sink. As I stood at the sink, he wrapped his arms around me lovingly.

"You are so spontaneous and loving, arent ya?" I asked as he left a kiss on the top of my head.

"Yeah I am aren't I?" Andy asked chuckling.

"I don't know what I did to deserve a love like this," I told him.

"You just do," Andy told me.

I briefly turned to face him.

I leaned in to kiss him.

"You can feel it in our kiss," I commented.

"Yeah," Andy smiled at me.

I turned my attention back to my flowers.

"So what did you get for us to eat?" I asked.

"Well I know you like chow-mein so I got some of that. I also got some dumplings and just a bunch of stuff that sounded good," Andy listed off.

"Sounds delicious," I told him as I trimmed the rose stems.

I sighed contently as we were slowly finding a place to love and live. 

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