Chapter 200

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I woke up and really didn't know what today truly held. It was Andy's and I day off together for the first time in weeks. Life had gotten super busy, and we had been spending so much time apart.

I looked over to Andy who was still sound asleep. I smiled at him. Sometimes you can't believe what you have right before you.

I looked over at the clock and it was a little after 7:30. I sneakily got out of bed to see if the coffee pot was done.

I snuck downstairs, let Biscuit out, and went to make myself a cup of coffee.

I wasn't going to go back upstairs to bed since Andy was still sound asleep. His body needed to catch up on rest.

Since it was Sunday, I decided to see what cartoons or other programs were being played. Nothing I liked so I turned it to MTV and turned it on low. About 6 videos had played before I heard Andy's footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Why are you up so early?" Andy asked me as he walked over to where I was.

"It's not that early love but I know you needed to sleep," I told him as he came and leaned down to kiss my forehead.

He sat down next to me, only momentarily once he noticed I already had coffee.

"I know but you need to sleep too. I mean all these events, Johnny's recording sessions, going to see Levi at the record store in between, you must be just as exhausted," Andy told me as he got up to go get coffee.

I sighed as I waited to respond.

After a few, he came back with his cup of coffee. He sat back next to me.

"Well I know I need to rest but you know, we could always just not do anything today," I told him as we mindlessly watched the newest music video Queen had done.

"Okay fair enough darling I think we could just laze around today," he told me.

Just as the next video started, the phone rang. I totally forgot KC was on a trip overseas and she was gonna call me once she was settled.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey," Karen replied happily.

"I'm assuming you landed safely," I told her.

"Yep we are in our hotel room settled so I hope everything goes well," Karen remarked.

"It will I hope the interviews and such go well for you KC," I told her.

"Thanks (Y/N). I'll let you go. I'm hungry so I'm gonna order room service and unwind for the evening," Karen remarked.

"Take care KC. Talk to you later," I told her before we hung up.

"Karen's in the UK?" Andy asked as I hung up the phone.

"Yeah, she and Rich are. Some sort of record promotion," I told him as I shifted the focus back to our conversation.

"Ohhhhh," Andy commented.

"I really wonder what Levi's gonna do now that the record store is closing," I remarked randomly.

Levi was of course the last man standing and unfortunately, Big Boss couldn't save the store this time. But, Levi found a job at a record company down the street from the record store so he was okay.

"I just can't believe the place where we met is closing. Like without that record store, we may not even be sitting here," Andy replied.

I frowned.

"Well that's true but also, the universe has its ways like we've talked about before. If it was meant to be, it would be. So here we are," I gestured to us.

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