Chapter 22

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Fighting was not something me and Andy did often, but when we did, it was often petty arguments.  It was no different than what went down today. 

Today's fight was brought on by me wanting to get a job right away after I had promised to take a break. 

"You've only been off for 3 weeks darling. How can you say you are fine and ready to go?" Andy questioned me.

"I just wanted to see if it was possible for me to get an interview for goodness sake. You know how hard it is to find work when you are associated with bad press?" I asked him.

"Bad press? Are you blaming me right now? That's not right at all," Andy commented. 

We were sitting in the backyard. It was the evening hours. We were watching Biscuit play and roam around before we brought her in the night. But, I managed to leave out a job resume and job clipping that I was going to apply to in the morning. It wasn't the best-paying job for me but it did have to do with my degree. It was more for my conscious to know people would want me.

"I cannot deal with this right now. I just wanted to apply and see if I would get hired or not. I had problems last time getting hired because of the Jessica crap. Now, I want to see if I get crap because of my last name being Gibb," I replied as I stormed into the house.

I was pissed. I don't think he was trying to be controlling. However, being questioned on why I am doing something isn't fun either.

"Darling, I didn't mean to make you mad," Andy called from behind me.

I went straight to our bedroom and went straight for the shower. I slammed the door and locked it.

I did not care what he was saying temporarily. Perhaps I was madder at the fact he was questioning how I was feeling. I was feeling rested but of course, my anxiety and other stress would be factored into my mental state. 

"Darling please don't be mad at me. I was just thinking of your well-being," Andy's voice spoke through the door.

I didn't respond.

He tried opening the door but his plan was foiled by the handy lock.

"Please hear me out when you get out of the shower," Andy spoke before the rest of my shower was quiet.

I sighed as I tried to continue my shower in peace.

I rather got done quickly and got dressed and before getting settled in bed for the night, went and got my nightly tea.

Andy had gotten ready for bed too. When I arrived at the kitchen, Andy was standing with our mugs. 

Andy must have felt the pressure of my eyes staring at him.

"D-darling here's your tea," Andy commented sweetly.

I still didn't cave in. 

I just took the tea and went back to the bedroom.

I could feel myself getting ready to break any moment but would I be nice to Andy? Or would my tongue speak its mind?

"Darlingggggggg," Andy called out as he followed me.

I huffed as I sat on the bed.

I took a few sips of my tea before putting my mug down.

I begin adjusting the pillows and stuff and grabbed my book to read.

Andy sat silently watching me.

"How long are you going to not speak to me? It's breaking my heart darling," Andy commented as he watched me as I pretend to read my book. 

I glanced at him and then back at my book. He had the most intense stare ever.

Andy began to scoot closer. 

I scooted toward the edge of the bed. I was afraid I would fall off.

"Darling," Andy pleaded with me.

I looked at him intensely. 

"Look I'm sorry darling. I didn't mean to question you and the job you were applying for. I just wanted to make sure you are feeling rested after the hell you've been going through," Andy began.

I sighed as I closed my book so I put my attention on him.

"You are sorry? That's all I wanted to hear," I replied as he grabbed my hand to hold.

"Darling I only have the best intentions for you. Why do you think I always question how you are feeling? You need to rest and I don't want you in burnout mode any longer," Andy replied in a quiet voice. 

"And also, I wasn't blaming you about the job name thing. People just don't like me because of the bad press I've gotten and it wasn't your fault Jessica stalked me," I commented.

Andy kissed my hand.

"Eventually, people will forget what happened with Jessica darling. You have to realize it only stays alive if you feed it," Andy analyzed.

"True love but what about my last name being Gibb? Or even (L/N) my maiden one. Everyone knows me," I replied quietly. 

"Well darling, we will make it through when you finally get a job position that doesn't take advantage of you, then we will worry then. You will find something in time but right now, its time for you to relax," Andy replied.

"I still don't know how to relax love. I mean, look at my eye bags. I think I'm sleeping well and obviously, I am not," I replied.

"You will eventually and perhaps we can start going to bed earlier so you can keep your old routine to a point," Andy replied as he leaned down to kiss me.

You could feel his stress melting away as he kissed me. 

I smiled as he just looked at me.

"So darling do you forgive me?" Andy pouted with his puppy dog look.

I chuckled.

"You are forgiven love," I replied kissing his cheek.

"Thank goodness 'cause I would have died if you didn't let me love on you. I would have broken my new year's resolution," Andy joked.

"You silly boy," I told him as he brought me closer to hold as we lay in silence.

"Silly? I would have quite literally died without your love," Andy remarked.

"I think you would have survived a few hours with my love. I would eventually have caved when I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing we were mad at each other," I replied quietly.

Andy kissed the top of my head.

"I think its good we can easily forgive each other darling," Andy told me.

"Me too," I whispered back.

Good night from me and my love.

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