Chapter 69

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We were settled into the New Year back home. Though the downside is wanting snow and all you get is rain. Rain was stationed over California.  I had gone back to work and Andy was back in the studio and busy doing appearances. 

While at work, we found out there was a major leak on the roof. This in turn caused massive panic where we had to save thousands of tapes. 

After a 12-hour shift which should not have been, I got home to find Andy asleep in front of the TV. It was way after 9:30 and I was starving.

I quietly walked in and headed straight to the kitchen. I found a dinner plate waiting for me.

I popped it in the microwave and then washed up. 

I sat at our dining table quietly eating to my heart's content.  Andy had yet stirred. I wanted to talk to him about his day but I decided to wait.

I went and brought Biscuit inside for the night before heading to the shower. I was bone tired.

I got done with my shower and was in bed a little after 10:30.  When I walked into the bedroom, Andy was still not awake.

I trekked back downstairs and he was quietly snoring as he lay in front of the TV.  I quietly approached him and tried to gently wake him up.

"Hmm," Andy began to stir.

"Shhh it's time to go to bed," I told him.

"D-darling you're finally home," Andy mumbled as he rubbed one of his eyes.

I smiled at his comment.

"Yes I let you sleep as I got ready for bed," I told him quietly.

Andy slowly sat up and stretched as he stared at me.

"What time did you come home?" Andy asked me.

"A little after 9:30. We got a majority of the tapes and paperwork sorted," I told him as he sleepily stared at me. 

He was still in his day clothes.

"I'm gonna go to the shower real quick. Go get settled in bed," Andy sleepily replied.

"Okay love," I told him as I stole a kiss from him.

Andy and I went up the stairs and went our separate ways for the time ways.

I crawled into bed and drank my tea. I was slowly starting to relax and would be asleep quickly after settling into bed with me.

I glanced at the clock and it was already 10:59 p.m. It was way past my bedtime. 

I finished my tea and put my mug on the side table.  I rested my eyes as I waited for Andy.

Quickly, Andy emerged from the steamy bathroom.

"Are you already asleep?" Andy whispered.

I chuckled at his comment.

"I'm taking that as a no darling," Andy remarked with a quiet chuckle as he settled into bed next to me.

"I missed you all day," I quietly mumbled as I adjusted my pillows to go to sleep.

"I missed you more darling.  I was really surprised that you got all that work done by 9 though," Andy commented as he turned the TV off and turned the lamp off.

"We had a night crew that was going to work all night to figure out the rest. I'm off the next few days so I'll worry bout it then," I mumbled.

Andy chuckled as he pulled the comforter over himself and scooted down to where I was.

"But how was your day in general?" Andy inquired.

"Really wet," I remarked as I opened my eyes to see Andy staring at me.

"Did any of the tapes get ruined?" Andy asked as he dropped an arm across me.

"No, but it's cause we worked fast on it," I replied as I blinked my eyes in tiredness. 

Andy smiled as he leaned to kiss my forehead.

"Now you can rest up," Andy commented.

"Wait but what about your day? How was it?" I asked Andy as I rested my eyes.

"It was good darling. I was able to get some vocals laid down," Andy mumbled as he nuzzled his face into my neck.

"For which song?" I tiredly asked.

"The one about snow," Andy whispered back.

"Ooh, when will that demo be done?" I asked him.

"Probably by Saturday so you can hear it then," Andy replied proudly.

"Sounds good to me," I replied with a slight smile.

I couldn't fight the sleep any longer.

In the distance, I heard Andy whisper "good night darling." That was the last thing I remembered for the night. 

As I flipped over, I realized it was already morning. Andy was still in bed which was good so I didn't get up sooner than I wanted to. The clock read 7:55 a.m.

I fixed my pillow and closed my eyes again. I had nowhere to be till 12:15 to get lunch with Karen.

"It's too early to get up," Andy mumbled to me.

I smiled.

"I'm not getting up yet love. I just wanted to adjust," I whispered to him.

"Good," Andy mumbled into my neck.

I shivered at his closeness.

"I didn't mean to make you shiver darling," Andy whispered.

"It's ok I just wasnt expecting it," I replied chuckling.

"Do you have to go anywhere today?" Andy asked.

"Just to go have lunch with Karen," I told him.

"You haven't seen her since?" Andy inquired.

"Since right before Christmas," I commented.

"That's way too long without you guys seeing each other," Andy joked.

"Right," I chuckled.

"So we've got some quiet time before you have to go away," Andy replied.

"Mmmmhmm," I mumbled.

A quiet start to a great day. 

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