Chapter 181

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"And then when they told me we were gonna have to film a promo video, I was in shock I mean come on," Karen remarked.

Karen finally had gotten her cast off. We went to lunch and we were finally catching up on gossiping in person.

"Wait they scheduled a performance while you were down?" I asked her.

"Honest," Karen replied.

"That's dumb I mean you couldn't walk around," I told her.

"Imagine me having to sing "Broken Hearted Me" and just sitting there blankly," Karen chuckled.

I tried not to laugh but Karen's laughter was contagious.

"KC you should stop making jokes about your leg it was serious," I replied as the waiter brought refills on our drinks.

"I know but man does it feel good to be out of the cast. It was so annoying," Karen replied.

"I know and for all times for it to happen during your birthday month. That must have been an extra downer for the whole mood," I told her.

Karen sighed.

"Yeah, that's what really sucks. But the bright side is I am 100% me again and they caught the guy who did the hit and run," Karen whispered.

Of course, we had to be careful of who would hear our conversations. She is Karen Carpenter ya know.

"So are you guys gonna release the new album soon?" I asked Karen to divert the subject for a few.

"Yeah yeah. Rich and I have a few more tracks to work on. This album has taken 14 months to make. With the new technology for recording, Rich has been experimenting with the mixes. And then with Johnny's song we took on for a few weeks, that was another project we focused on," Karen remarked.

"Right right. I forgot Johnny asked you two to work on one of his songs," I commented as the waiter brought us our bills.

I asked for a to-go box before he disappeared. He came back quickly so I could take home what I had leftover.

"He's really good. I mean I never imagined he had that sort of voice capable inside of him," Karen told me as she pulled her purse up.

I grabbed my purse and did the same to grab my card to pay for my lunch.

"So anyhow we need to go shopping. I am dying to get new pieces for my summer wardrobe," Karen remarked as she was momentarily distracted by the bill.

"You had me at shopping. Shopping by yourself isn't nearly as fun as it is with someone else," I told her as we gathered our stuff to pay the bills at the front.

"If you are free on Saturday morning, we can go hit up the usual stores we do. Just like old times," Karen remarked as we walked up to the front.

"I think that sounds like an excellent plan," I told her as we waited in line to pay our bills.

"Oh and then I can bring you over the sample single of mine and Rich's newest single coming in June," Karen told me.

"Ooooh ok, what is the single?" I asked her as we handed the gentleman our bills and cards.

"We always like going back into the vaults. Rich picked out "The Last of the Romantics." It's very Carpentersque if you get what I am saying," Karen told me as she had to sign her receipt. 

"I can already picture it in my head," I told her as it was my turn to sign the receipt.

"You got a good imagination," Karen told me with a smile.

And so, we headed out to our cars.

"See you later," I told Karen as we hugged.

"Yes I will call with more details on our shopping trip," Karen replied chuckling.

"Sounds good. Take care KC," I told her as we went to our cars.

I left a little more relieved seeing KC back to her old self.

I arrived home quickly.

I walked into the house and contently sighed being back in my safe zone.

"I'm home Andy, "I  called into the house.

It was silent.

I walked towards the stairs and I was instantly wrapped in a hug.

"You scared me," I remarked.

"Sorry darling," he chuckled as kissed my face.

"How was your day?" I asked as he let go of me.

"It was good darling. How was your lunch with Karen?" Andy asked me.

"Good good. She was finally her old self again. We're going shopping on Saturday morning," I remarked.

Andy chuckled.

"Yep that definitely sounds like she's back to her old self. You guys always used to go shopping," Andy remarked as he followed me upstairs.

"Of course what else do women do?" I teased back.

"Good point," Andy chuckled.

"And so we got like 6 weeks of shopping to catch up on," I replied

Andy rolled his eyes.

"That's my girl," Andy remarked laughing.

"Uh huh of course," I replied back as I went to take my shoes off.

I realized midway I was still carrying my leftovers.

"I should go put this in the fridge," I remarked.

Andy looked at me and chuckled.

"How come I didn't notice that you were carrying the box of food around," Andy commented.

"I don't know but I forgot too and I was holding it," I commented as we went back downstairs to the kitchen.

Andy laughed.

"That's funny," Andy replied as I got into the fridge to put the food away.

A nice day for the books.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now