Chapter 54

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I looked around and was proud. We had officially been in our house for 2 days and had gotten so much unpacked already. 

Biscuit was already in love with the giant yard to roam around and adventure through. 

As for me and Andy, we were busy trying to find places for the things we were unpacking.

The kitchen was already done. We were glad to be no longer eating out of paper dishes.

Our bedroom would be last. We had a good chunk of our closets unpacked and settled.

I was already also started training at the new job. I was so happy about this fresh start. Though it was only 2 days a week for now, it gave me a chance to practice and prepare for bigger things that I knew were coming.

Since today was Saturday, I had nothing to worry about. Yesterday we had gone shopping for the first time to stock our pantry and fridge. Things were getting prettier by the penny. 

I decided to venture outside to find what Biscuit was up to. I was in the bliss of the life I was finally living.

Andy had yet to find a horse to adopt. I knew it was coming eventually but he told me, "we haven't found the one."

When you go first out to our backyard, there are two big trees. One's an oak tree the other is a weeping willow. There is a white fence surrounding the whole backyard. Then through the gate, that's where our actual like ranch part is. That is an open field for the most with a fence surrounding the barn area and a shed. 

In this part, there is another oak tree and a smaller weeping willow tree.

There was also a small pond that would we remodel eventually. 

I was walking around with Biscuit as she explored.

Though fall was coming, the grass was still green for the most part. Andy was excited to be a man of all hats and be a gardener and "farmer" working on our yardwork for the next few seasons. 

I was suddenly thrown from my inner thoughts as two arms wrapped around me.

"I think I'm finally relaxed love," I told Andy.

"You look so happy, darling. I can see how thrilled you are about being here," Andy remarked.

"I think it was the fresh start we needed. I feel like I finally belong somewhere. Not saying that I haven't felt happy at all ya know? But the vibes here are just what I've been needing if that makes sense," I told him.

Andy kissed my cheek.

"I know what you mean darling and I am so glad you finally feel good," Andy told me as he lightly hugged my torso.

"I can't believe this is our home now like I've always dreamed of this since I was a little girl," I told him.

I could feel him smiling.

"Well dreams do come true darling. You told me yourself that you speak it into existence," Andy told me proudly.

I chuckled.

"That's a good point love," I replied as I watched the weeping willow tree branches blow in the wind.

Biscuit was having a field day running around the entire yard.

"Oh, I was gonna tell ya darling I was thinking tomorrow we could finish the patio," Andy told me as he kept his embrace on me.

"That sounds like a plan love I think we may not need the umbrella since the patio has the awing that goes partially into the yard. And I finally got my porch swing," I replied as I turned to look at the patio happily.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now