Chapter 176

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"Happy Birthday KC!" I remarked as I entered her house.

She was now using crutches while still in a cast. 

"Hi thank you for coming over. Come on in," Karen told me.

Andy had a taping for "Top of the Pops" and would be flying home this afternoon. Just in time for his birthday.

"How are you? How is everything?" I asked KC as I put her birthday gift and cupcakes I had made on the coffee table.

Karen sighed as she sat back down.

"Everything's been eh. This damn cast is the biggest problem. It takes forever to shower now and little things are just a pain," Karen replied.

I frowned.

"I'm sorry KC but let's focus on your birthday. I know it's not ideal but at least we can celebrate small," I told her trying to console her.

"You being here is a blessing. Not a lot of people have come to see me since the accident," Karen told me.

"That's really crappy I'm sorry KC," I frowned.

"It makes me realize who I can really lean on," Karen replied as I leaned over to the table to get her gift.

"Here. Let's focus on you and your day," I told her as I tried to shift the energy.

Karen smiled.

She began to open her gift.

"Ooooh a new perfume," Karen commented as she opened it to smell it.

"I hope you like the scent. I always hear and see the Dior perfume on TV and in magazine ads," I told her.

Karen took it out of the box and sprayed it on her wrist.

"Ooooh it's sweet," Karen remarked.

"I always think of sweet scents when it comes to you," I told her smiling.

"Aw haha," Karen remarked.

"Keep going,"  I encouraged KC.

Karen laughed.

"So impatient," Karen told me as she pulled out another one of her gifts.

I had gotten her a set of drumsticks so once she's well, she can get back to drumming.

"Awww drumsticks," Karen remarked.

"Once this thing comes off, you can get back to drumming,"  I told KC.

She smiled.

Karen enjoyed the company for her birthday and before I knew it, I needed to head home cause it was almost 4.

"Happy Birthday again KC," I told her as I gave her a hug.

"Thanks for everything," Karen told me.

"Of course," I told her with a smile.

And so shortly, I was on my way home.

For being a Sunday, traffic was rather quiet. 

I pulled up to the house a little after 4:30.

I walked in and could hear the shower running.

"Andy's home already?" I remarked as I went upstairs.

I went into the bedroom and sure enough, his luggage was everywhere.

I snuck into the bathroom.

"Your home?" I asked him as he peeped his head out the curtain.

"Well hello to you too darling," Andy told me as he motioned for me to come closer to the shower.

"I missed you," I told him as he kissed me.

"I missed you too," Andy told me as he got soap on my nose.

"Finish showering so I can properly welcome you home," I told him.

"Ok ok," Andy chuckled.

I exited the bathroom and waited for Andy to come into the bedroom.

The shower turned off and after 5 minutes, Andy popped out.

"My hair is still wet so don't get mad if you get wet," Andy remarked as he came over to hug me.

"I don't care I missed you. 4 days away is too long," I told him as he kissed me again.

"How are you darling? How was everything while I was gone?" Andy remarked as he kissed me again.

"It was good. I saw Karen today and she is so depressed because of the cast on her leg," I told him.

"Aw, that's right. KC's birthday is today," Andy replied.

"Mmmhmmm but she seemed to have perked up before I left. I had made her cupcakes,"  I told him as his hair began dripping water on my shirt.

"How many weeks does she have left with the cast?" Andy asked as we separated from our embrace.

"2 weeks I think?" I remarked as I sat down and watched Andy do his usual night routine.

"Damn that sucks," Andy remarked as he came back over to me.

I just stared back at him.

"What?" I asked chuckling.

"You look uncomfortable darling, go get comfy," Andy told me.

"I'm not ready to shower its only 5," I replied to him.

Andy chuckled.

"No darling go put some sweats on so we can just be comfortable," Andy replied.

"Oh," I remarked chuckling.

I went and got into some sweats. I came back and Andy was still where I had left him.

"How's the jetlag?"   I asked as I came up to him.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed. I traced my thumb gently under his eyes.

"Not too bad yet," Andy replied quickly.

"You look tired love," I told him.

"My bones feel it but I just, if I don't stay awake and get back on the old schedule, everything will be messed up," Andy replied as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Well you'll feel better if we go get something to eat and we can turn in early tonight," I told him as he looked up at me.

"You're right darling. You are always right," Andy told me as he stood up.

He grabbed my hand as we went back downstairs to get some sort of dinner going.

Now here's to all the upcoming adventures for Andy's birthday.

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