Chapter 179

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"I really thought the rain would be gone by now," I complained.

We had been stuck with lingering rain showers for 2 days straight. Though I loved a good rainy day, it was playing havoc on my mental health. 

Andy sighed at my remark.

"Remember darling there is always a rainbow after rain," he spoke softly.

"But also thunder happens when it is raining," I replied back.

Andy chuckled before responding.

"Darling," he responded.

I just looked at him and turned my attention back outside.

One thing that I did love about our house was the big bay window. Even though the rain was depressing, I did enjoy watching the rain drip down the bay window and puddle on the porch.

"I think it is hailing now," I remarked as Andy joined me in the window seat.

"It'll be okay darling," Andy responded as he rubbed my shoulder.

I sighed.

"Maybe you need to relax," Andy remarked as he had me turn my back completely towards him.

"Okay, how?" I asked him as the rain began pounding harder off and on as we sat in the window.

Andy gently took his thumbs and rubbed the muscles in my neck.

"Maybe this will help," Andy replied as he gave me a massage.

The rain was now in a steady downpour. But, Andy was making sure I didn't lose my calmness.

"Remember rainbows happen after rain," he whispered to me.

I took a deep breath. I was finally feeling okay.

"Darling you had some really bad knots in your neck," Andy told me after trailing his fingers over my back.

"I know. I've been stressed out not only cause of the rain but work too. I mean you know,"  I told him as the rain began to calm down to a trickle temporarily.

He brought me back towards him into his lap. He wrapped his arms around me.

"I know that darling but you got to take a breather once in a while. Let the rain wash away your worries," Andy spoke as he kissed the top of my head.

I sighed as I melted into his touch.

I looked outside once more and you could see some sun peeking out behind the clouds.

"See darling, it's not too terrible if the sun begins to shine," Andy remarked.

I smiled.

"Yeah that's true," I replied as the room went silent.

The rain was gone for now.

You could Biscuit in the distant snoring.

"Well, the rain stopped," Andy commented.

"It did which now the echo of silence is sort of nice," I replied to Andy.

He gave me a hug from behind and kissed the top of my head again.

"See I told you darling to just become one with the rain," Andy explained.

I chuckled as I leaned back to look at him.

"When did you get to be so smart and philosophical?" I asked him.

Andy chuckled.

"Well when I met you I suppose is the correct answer I am looking for," Andy replied smiling.

"I think that's a wonderful concept," I told him.

"I hate to break this up but somebody told me they needed to finish house chores a while ago and I would like to assist her," Andy commented.

I chuckled as I got out of Andy's embrace.

"You are the best," I told Andy as I leaned to kiss him.

He pulled away and smiled.

"Now come on let's take the sunshine and make something grow today," Andy told me as we both stood up.

"That sounds like a song," I told him.

"It kind of does darling," Andy remarked as we headed back to grab the laundry that I had abandoned in the dryer for the last 30 minutes.

As I went to the dryer, I could hear the rain pour for a few seconds then stop again.

I took the full laundry basket and headed upstairs. Andy was already waiting for me.

"You don't have to help with the laundry," I told him as I put the basket on the bed.

"I want to help darling let me, please? Just this once," Andy told me.

"I mean if you want to but you don't-," I rebutted.

He stopped and kissed me.

"Okay fine I see your point," I chuckled.

"Good now let's get the laundry folded," Andy told me as he grabbed a towel and began folding.

Rainy days aren't so bad after all. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now