Chapter 96

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"He was concerned about his height?" Karen asked chuckling.

Karen had invited me to her house to have lunch. It was nice to be doing something different.

"Yes, he was so concerned the whole night we were at the party. He's never been that way before," I told her chuckling.

Karen shook her head in disbelief.

"So after you got home you gotta tell me what he did or said," Karen replied.

"He was super quiet and then he was making remarks after I took my heels off," I began.

"And?" Karen asked.

"Well that's when it hit me about the height difference and I began questioning him about it. He kept blushing and avoiding the question," I replied.

"Awww poor Andy," Karen pouted.

"But he was like "I felt like less of a man" and he was blushing the entire time,"  I remarked.

Karen laughed.

"That's really funny oh gosh well did he ever bring it up again?" Karen asked.

"No cause I rarely wear heels. I only wore them that night because of what my boss wanted for the dress code," I told her.

"Oh I see," Karen replied as she went to get the pitcher of iced tea to refill our cups.

"Yeah, it was pretty funny. I've never seen him so upset or concerned about it," I told her as she reappeared from the kitchen.

"So anything else new in your world?" Karen asked.

I shook my head.

"Not really. Our garden is finally slowing down now that fall is coming around," I told her.

"Oh shoot I know you brought me eggs but will I be able to get some for my parents next week?" Karen asked as she sat back down.

"Of course you can KC. The more people we have to give eggs, the less waste we have," I told her.

"I forgot I should have asked you before you came up today," Karen replied.

"It's ok we have plenty to go around," I replied to her.

"Oh I forgot to also ask, are you invited to that music labels dinner party on the 19th?" Karen inquired.

"Uhm I gotta double-check," I told her.

"I mean if not you can come with me," Karen told me.

"Girls' night out sounds like fun," I joked.

"Definitely," Karen replied happily.

And so, our visit came to an end and I went home to my loving husband.

When I walked inside, all I could hear was his brother's voice singing throughout the house. "How Can You Mend a Broken Heart" greeted me as I entered the living room.

"Love I'm home," I called out.

I came into the den and found Andy working on some sort of project.

"Hi love," I told him as I approached him.

"Darling you are home," Andy replied panicked

"Why the strange face?" I asked chuckling.

"I'm working on your anniversary present don't spoil it," Andy commented as he stood up to kiss me.

"Oh no I feel bad," I chuckled.

"It's ok just shooh away for now as I put it up," Andy remarked.

"Ok ok," I commented as I headed back to the living room.

"Biscuit he's crazy but I love him," I told her.

"Ok I put it away," Andy came out as he went to turn down the Bee Gee's record that was spinning.

"How was your morning?" I asked him as we went to the kitchen.

"Good I mean obviously my surprise for our anniversary almost got shown but that's ok," Andy chuckled.

"Well if it makes you feel better, I  had no idea what you were doing so," I commented.

"Good," Andy laughed.

"Yeah," I replied chuckling.

"So how was lunch with Karen?" Andy inquired.

"Good. She was so talkative and it was nice to be out with someone other than the four walls," I commented.

"I know you've been a bit of a homebody but glad you are going back out darling," Andy told me proudly.

"Thanks love," I replied.

Here was to a nice afternoon being home. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now