Chapter 108

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"Well, I didn't see this one coming," I commented in shock.

It was November 1st. We had left the candy bucket outside the gate with a sign. I guess some people didn't like that because our fence and trees that hung over the wall had toilet paper clinging to them.

"I just don't understand?" Andy asked me as we opened the gate to see if anyone else got hit on the road with TP.

I glanced up the road and saw not just toilet paper but egg stains all over.

"I thought this only happened in the movies," I joked to Andy.

"That's a good way of putting it. I mean I never thought TPing a house actually happened in real life. Let alone happen to us," Andy commented as he spotted a police car down the road.

"Hey maybe I should go talk to them," Andy suggested.

"Good idea maybe the cops know of what happened," I remarked.

Andy walked over to the cop while I took down the Halloween sign and empty bucket. We refilled it twice last night so it definitely wasn't any angry trick-or-treaters that did this mess.

I picked up some of the toilet paper rolls and stuff that was reachable and put them inside the bucket to take and throw out.

After a few, Andy came back to me.

"Well darling it looks like it was this entire upper-level neighborhood plus several down off Kings Road," Andy told me.

"Good to know we weren't actually targeted," I sighed in relief.

"They are making a complied police report for vandalism and all of the neighbors will be on one case. They are gonna give us cards with the case number in a while. They don't think it will happen again but if it does, to call and reference the number," Andy commented as I noticed a news truck coming up the road.

"We better get inside the gate and not comment to the news. We don't need people to know where we live," I commented panicked.

Andy and I dashed inside behind the gate and began cleaning up the toilet paper that made it over the fence. 

"TP isn't cheap as it used to be but damn that's a lot of waste," I commented as I realized we needed the trash can to throw this stuff out.

Andy laughed at my comment.

"That is a good point darling," Andy chuckled.

I walked over about 1 foot to roll our trash can over to where we were standing.

"Is the cop gonna buzz the gate or are they gonna just flag us down?" I asked Andy.

"I don't know actually," Andy paused.

"I'll walk over to the gate and see if the cop is still right there," I told Andy.

I just didn't want his face plastered all over the news and our home life to be "ruined." 

I peeked through the gate and the cop was still there. I opened the gate and headed over to him.

"Excuse me, sir?" I asked politely.

"Yes?" the cop replied back.

"Do you have those case number cards ready?" I asked.

"Oh yes I'm just finishing up but here you go," the cop told me as he handed me one.

"Thank you so much,"  I told him.

The cop smiled at me as I headed back to Andy with the card.

"Love," I commented as Andy turned to see me.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now