Chapter 13

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Halloween was in a few days and neither Andy nor I were enthused about it.  This year, we just didn't feel like celebrating Halloween like in previous years. The boys at the record store felt the same. Except, we had to put on the face for Big Boss.

"So he still wants us to dress up for the day," I read off the bulletin post.

"It just feels like, there is no charm around the holidays anymore. Well at least this year," Johnny commented.

"I'm still just going to wear my eye patch and call myself a pirate," Levi remarked.

"A for effort Levi," I replied nudging him.

"What about you? You usually go all out," Johnny remarked.

"I don't have the Halloween bug like in previous years. I probably will do some cool eye makeup and throw on a hat or headband or something," I commented.

With Halloween being on a Sunday, it just felt weird. 

"We just gotta appease Big Boss," Levi whispered.

"Yes," me and Johnny whispered back.

Since it was closer to 4, the store traffic usually dies down quite a lot. So, the three of us were completing our normal tasks.

"You know who I haven't seen here in a while? Karen," Levi commented.

Me and Johnny both nodded our heads.

"You've talked to her since the anniversary party, right?" Johnny asked.

"Oh of course. I know she and Rich have been busy at the studio," I replied as I found my checklist for the evening.

We had to do one cleaning task every closing shift still. Since today was Wednesday, it was Window Wednesday.  I had to clean the window seals and the glass.

"Window Wednesday already?" Johnny asked as he watched me gather the supplies.

"Yes sir," I replied chuckling.

"Every week seems to fly by faster than the previous," Levi replied as he grabbed the broom and dustpan.

"It truly does. It's sort of frustrating. It seems like there is never enough time in the day for nothing anymore," I replied as I sprayed the window cleaner.

With daylight savings about to happen, it was getting darker so much faster.

After a while, we all concentrated on our cleaning tasks.

I turned to get some more paper towels and then I saw my husband staring back at me through the window. I sort of jumped.

"Look what the tide washed in," Johnny joked as Andy entered the building.

"Ha-ha very funny John," Andy replied as he came over to me.

"What are you doing here so early?" I asked looking down at my watch.

With the time change coming, Andy's been picking me up just in case of weirdos. 

"It's already 6:15 darling it's time for me to take you home once you are done," Andy replied as he kissed the top of my head.

"Wait how the heck did the time fly by? We swear it was just 4 something," Levi remarked.

"I'll close out the register since I was on it," Johnny commented.

"I'll put my cleaning supplies away then," I told Johnny as Andy watched us three mindlessly close the store for the night.

"Oh I better turn the sign-off and lock the door," Levi commented as he walked to lock the door and turned the sign-off.

Andy just browsed around as we finished our closing tasks.

"Ok so we are ready to go for tomorrow," I commented as I signed off on our papers.

"Sounds good to me. Have a good evening," Johnny commented as I gathered my stuff to leave with Andy.

"You guys have a good evening," I told Johnny and Levi.

Andy grabbed my hand as we walked to his car. 

"So how was work darling?" Andy asked as we settled into the car.

"It was good I mean it went fast today. I could not believe how the last 2 hours passed that fast," I replied as we begin our drive home.

"You looked so shocked when I knocked on the window," Andy commented with a chuckle.

"Well yeah love I was completely zoned out doing my job," I replied as Andy found his way to hold my hand.

"It's a good thing I didn't have a Halloween mask on or we'd be on our way to the hospital now," Andy replied chuckling.

"Good point love," I replied.

"So have you decided on what you are going to be for Halloween yet?" Andy asked.

I shook my head.

"I feel like the spirit has been lost. I hope Christmas doesn't feel this way," I commented quietly.

"It shouldn't darling I mean, we go all out for the holiday season," Andy remarked as we arrived home.

"But we also always go all out for Halloween and this year, its just not there," I replied as we got out of the car.

"Perhaps it's just the feeling right now. If we decide on some costumes, perhaps that will change how we feel," Andy replied as he got the house key out.

"I hope so because I'm just planning on doing some cool eye makeup and going to work like that so Big Boss doesn't get mad. Johnny is still undecided and Levi is doing his usual pirate gig," I commented as we entered the house.

"We got some time darling to think don't worry. I'm sure the perfect costume will find us," Andy commented.

"I hope so," I replied with a sigh as I went to the bedroom to take my shoes off.

"Just worry about the costume idea tomorrow darling," Andy remarked as I sat down on the bed.

I took a deep breath and sighed. I was worried the spirit of life was running out and I just didn't know it yet.

Andy came into the room shortly.

"Darling what did you want for dinner?" Andy inquired.

"Honestly, I don't even know. I'm not even hungry," I replied yawning.

"You have to eat something," Andy replied as he wrapped an arm around me.

I felt like a wave of depression had come over me.

"Just hold me for now ok?" I asked in a whisper.

He knew exactly what was going on. When I got into these moods suddenly, he knew not to ask any questions. 

"Well let's go at least make some tea," Andy whispered.

I sighed. I needed something and perhaps tea would aid in my internal meltdown after a long week.

And so, we trekked to the kitchen to make my favorite tea. Andy didn't say a word and just kept me close.

"It'll be ok darling. We get you through this each time," Andy whispered in a comforting voice.

A weird twist to my evening with my husband.

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