Chapter 168

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Christmas Morning was a quiet start. We both obviously didn't care about the world around us except the home we had built together. 

It was only a little after 6 when the phone interrupted the stillness of the house.

"I can only imagine it's someone in Florida," I groaned as Andy reached for the phone.

Andy chuckled as he proceeded to answer the phone.

Of course, my sixth sense was right. It was Mo calling to wish us a Merry Christmas.

Andy talked for a while I proceeded to stay quiet with my eyes closed.

"Okay bye Mo," Andy said after what seemed like an eternity.

"I forget the time difference. Does he know it's only 6 here?" I asked while yawning.

"He realized after the fact which I mean at least he apologized," Andy chuckled as he readjusted in the bed.

"I hope no one else calls," I complained as I tried to go back to sleep for a few.

"Well I hope so too darling for the sake that it's still before 7 a.m. on a holiday," Andy commented.

I sighed as I tried to drift off back to dreamland for a while.

The sun began to rise and peak in behind the curtains by 7:15. I groaned as I flipped to face the other way.

Andy disappeared from the time I had dozed off till now.

"He's crazy I swear," I mumbled as I stood up and grabbed my slippers and robe.

I opened the door to the upstairs hall to find quiet Christmas music coming from downstairs.

I went down the stairs to find Andy reading the paper and drinking a cup of coffee.

"You didn't have to get up darling," Andy remarked as he patted the spot next to me.

"The sun was peeking in the windows anyhow so I should be up," I joked.

Andy laughed.

"Let me go get you some coffee," Andy told me as he closed the paper before disappearing to the kitchen.

I smiled as this was everything a girl could dream of. And I got it.

After a few, Andy came back and gave me my coffee.

"Thank you," I told him before I took a few sips.

"So when do you want to start opening gifts?" Andy asked me curiously.

I glanced at the clock. It was only a little after 7:30.

"Well we could get ready for the day and open gifts," I told him.

"If that's what you would like, then we shall do that," Andy told me.

"Then I shall finish my coffee and then go get ready," I replied back.

"Do you want breakfast? I mean I'm sure you do I mean what do you want for breakfast?" Andy chuckled to himself.

I chuckled too.

"Eggs and bacon sound good," I contemplated.

"Then your wish is my command," Andy told me.

"You are the best," I told Andy.

"Anything to make our Christmas a good one I shall do," Andy smiled at me as he picked up reading the newspaper where he left off.

The morning went by as we got ready. We ate breakfast contently then went ahead and opened gifts.

"You go first," Andy told me as he put a box in my lap.

"Why should I go first?" I asked him.

"Cause your younger than me," Andy told me.

"Ok fine," I proceeded to unwrap the box.

It was from Andy.

"What on earth why is there so many layers," I mumbled.

Andy smiled.

"It'll be worth it I promise," Andy told me.

"What could you have possibly got me?" I asked him.

"Just wait to open it," Andy assured.

I sighed as I finally was able to undo the tape on the box.

"Oh my gosh it's a brand new camera set?" I asked.

"Yes darling the newest model and best of all, it's more compact than before so when we go on trips, you can have it on your carry-on," Andy analyzed.

"Oh thank you, love," I told him as I looked at the camera and its content.

"Of course darling," Andy smiled at me.

"Ok now you gotta open one from me," I told him as I went to look for one of the boxes from me.

Andy smiled at me.

I finally found one from under the tree.

"Ok I honestly don't remember what I put in here," I remarked as I put it on his lap.

Andy laughed at my comment.

"That's funny darling," Andy told me.

Andy proceeded to unwrap the box.

"Oh wow, a new microphone for the home studio? And some cassettes for demos," Andy replied happily.

"Yes I hope you like it love," I told him nervously.

Even after being together forever, I always was unsure if I did well.

"I love it darling now I cannot wait to install this new microphone," Andy replied distracted by the gift.

I smiled to myself. 

Twas a nice Christmas in Califorina. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat