Chapter 51

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With the new hype of buying new items for the kitchen, Andy and I began discussing plans of moving to a new house. Not that we didn't love our house.  But, Andy was wanting a fresh start for our life together. 

He thought if we moved, it would also help me spawn a new job. I had been doing some tasks and things for Karen and people like Levi and Johnny that was some sort of income temporarily. But, there was this one place Andy wanted to me work at in Hollywood Hills. But, didn't want that 50-minute drive to and from our house. So, he wanted to move there.

"It's not that I don't still love this house darling but I think we could use an upgrade with our living space," Andy told me.

He had contacted some real estate agents over the last few days and they reassured us this house would sell. 

"It's just a lot for me to process. I've moved a lot just like you and once I get comfortable it's hard to not want to leave ya know?" I told him as he looked at me.

"We could stay in this area of town or if you wanted to, we could move closer to the Hollywood Hills where you could see the mountains and beaches from our backyard," Andy told me.

"And you'll be closer to Karen. It'll only be a 30-minute drive to her place in Century City," Andy told me.

"Are you sure we want to do this? I mean I know that one publishing company is really good pay but that's uprooting our entire lives here for me," I told him.

"Darling I've told you this before, I will take care of you and if this helps you get your feet settled in a job that you have the knowledge and requirements for, then we are going to do it," Andy told me happily. 

I sighed at his statement.

"Then I guess we are moving to Hollywood Hills," I told him.

"Oh, this is going to be so nice darling. I can't wait for us to start house hunting and figuring out things and oh you should call that publishing company and tell them you can start in September if they can wait that long. They did say that the job starts in the middle of September right?" Andy asked.

He was so excited that we were getting a new start. 

"But I don't think we will be moved out by the end of August love. We are already 2 weeks into the month," I told him. 

"There are several properties in the Hollywood Hills we can look at starting tomorrow if you are ready darling. There is a ranch property too and I'm sure that may be our best bet," Andy told me.

"A ranch? Like where we can have horses or Biscuit can roam all over a big yard?" I asked him.

Andy shook his head in agreement.

"I've been thinking about it for a while darling. I wasn't going to just spring this on you without any options," Andy told me. 

"Well, that's a good thing, love. I mean I was starting to panic but I mean if you have a plan let's roll with it. Maybe a new beginning is what we need," I told him.

"We have a new chapter to start darling and I'm proud of everything we've accomplished and will continue to do so," Andy told me.

"Wait if we get a ranch house I really want to get at least 2 horses. I've always wanted to be a farm girl," I told Andy.

"We can do that darling," Andy told me happily.

"So when do we start the process?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow darling. We will start looking at properties and get our ducks in a row," Andy told me lovingly.

He looked so proud that he had gotten all this started.

"This will be the first Christmas in a new place oh my gosh," I told him.

"And new memories will be created, darling. It's a new beginning that we both have been needing," Andy restated.

"I know it's been a crazy year and man oh man does this make me excited," I told him.

"Why do you think I told you to go shopping with Karen to get an idea of the new decor for the new house?" Andy asked me with a  smirk.

"Oh that makes so much more sense. You were already planning this," I remarked.

"Yes, darling. I wanted everything to be a smooth transition from here to wherever we decide to move into," Andy explained.

"Now I got an excuse to go shopping with KC again though because I'm going to want a ton of new things for the new place," I told him.

"And you can do that darling. We are going to the nines in this move," Andy told me.

I was overwhelmed yet excited. We were going to be making our dreams come true once more. 

"So who else knows we are moving?" I asked him.

"No one yet darling. I waited till I got things confirmed with the agents and you first," Andy told me.

"To our new beginning," I told him.

"To our new beginning," Andy told me as he reached for my hand.

The new starts were nice. Here is the next chapter. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now