Chapter 15

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Andy had an interview on the Merv Griffin show today. He loved Merv's interviews because they weren't tacky or attacking like the magazine gossip columns got recently once more. I tagged along to the taping, stood by, and watched the whole thing go on. 

Before the interview, Andy lip-synced to "Time is Time."  It was one of his favorite songs that he often didn't perform live.

Then, the interview begin.

"So Andy how are things going? You got married last year, correct?" Merv started off.

"Yes I got married last year in October," Andy replied.

"Did you think you'd ever get married again? Was it something you always wanted to work out?" Merv asked Andy.

"Marriage is something I always found special. I wanted it to work out for me because the concept of marriage always fascinated me but you have to be willing to give your share of the relationship," Andy told Merv.

"And so you then I assume already celebrated your one-year anniversary? How did you two celebrate?" Merv asked Andy as they flashed a picture of me and Andy.

"I planned a surprise anniversary dinner party in Utah where we got married. That was a doozy let me tell you. Things were almost ruined and then my surprise anniversary gift for (Y/N) was also delivered wrong," Andy replied with a chuckle.

"How was everything almost ruined? I mean you guys seem to have a great relationship," Merv questioned.

"Well some of our friends and family members weren't exactly secretive about being at the same hotel we were. Then we also had the mishap of my darling's new drum set being sent without a box so she found out about her gift before the trip," Andy explained.

The audience sort of chuckled.

"So she's going to learn to play drums? Is she going to be your new drummer?" Merv joked.

"No no she wanted to pick up an instrument and our mutual friend Karen is a really good drummer and wants to give her lessons," Andy replied.

"That's neat though. Before we get more with Andy we will head to a commercial break," Merv commented as they paused for a quick break.

Andy turned to look at me and just smiled. I waved to him.

After a minute, they came back to film the rest of Andy's interview.

"Before the break, we were talking to singer-songwriter Andy Gibb. We were talking about your personal life with your wife?" Merv began.

"Yes, that's right. I just want those rumors and horrible gossip magazines also to stop saying she's in it to take my money or use me for fame. She has her own job and loves what she does there," Andy told Merv.

"The thing is that these magazines want to sell that garbage to get readers but in the heart of their hearts, most people know the truth. What do you think makes yours and (Y/N)'s relationship so strong?" Merv asked.

Somehow the entire interview was focused on us. I wasn't mad but I was worried.

"Our relationship is so strong because she never saw me as the pop idol Andy Gibb. She saw me as Andy, the guy who loves the Mills Brothers and his family. The guy who would visit her at her record store and shop and talk for hours on end about music without missing a beat. When you are in this business either you have to find someone that is also in the business and willing to be in the public eye or find someone that is kind and caring like (Y/N) and also willing to be in the spotlight. But, she never misses a beat when it comes to being herself," Andy replied to Merv.

I didn't realize I had been holding my breath. I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Going onto music, you have some new material coming out soon?" Merv inquired.

"Yes, a new single is coming. I cannot disclose the details yet but all I will say is the song is special and close to my heart," Andy told Merv as he glanced at me.

The song was the one he wrote about us that would be released in the next few weeks. 

And for another about 15 minutes, Andy and Merv talked about many topics. By the time I glanced down at my watch,  the entire interview had been about 30 minutes but whether the whole thing would air, was another story.

Andy was unmic'd and we headed to the dressing room before being told he could leave.

"How do you feel darling?" Andy asked me as we sat drinking some coffee.

"Fine why?" I asked Andy with a chuckle.

"Because Merv really wanted to know more about us," Andy simply replied.

"And it is awesome he was asking nice questions, not like the gossip columns," I replied sweetly.

"I thought so too. I really thought it was funny he didn't bat an eye about Karen teaching you drums either," Andy commented.

"Wait that's true he didn't even think twice did he?" I replied as I went and threw away my paper coffee cup.

"Everyone, whether they show it or not loves you 'cause they know you love me and are taking care of me," Andy told me as he got the clearance from the production people for us to leave.

I chuckled.

"Well yeah, you are my old man now," I joked.

"I'm your old man? Sheesh darling don't age me that fast," Andy replied chuckling.

"You know what I mean though I mean were gonna grow old together so might as well embrace the titles," I told him as he reached for my hand for us to walk to the parking garage.

"Then you are my old lady then," Andy finally came up with a comeback after a few minutes of silence.

"I'll take it," I replied proudly.

"But you don't like being called Mrs. Gibb which makes you feel old," Andy commented.

"It'll grow on me for all we know," I said with a smirk.

"I see darling," Andy replied as we arrived at his car.

He opened my door for me and I settled into the car for the drive home.

"Where to my old lady?" Andy asked before he put the car in drive.

"To the best place ever," I replied.

"To home we go," Andy replied as he began the drive home.

I happily sighed as today was just the beginning of good vibes around us.

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