Chapter 123

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"They chose "Man on Fire" to be the new single?" I asked Andy curiously.

"Yeah I'm hoping it's a hit," Andy remarked as we drove home from his record company.

"It's a very sexy song if you get what I'm saying," I told him without glancing up.

Andy chuckled.

"Darling I know and that's why I'm worried," Andy told me.

"You are 27 years old. First and foremost. Second off, isn't "Shadow Dancing" the same vibe?" I asked him as we stopped at a red light.

Andy paused before replying.

"Now you got me there," Andy remarked.

"Exactly. The teenyboppers of yesterday are grown up like you. If they don't like it, oh well," I told him.

"How do you always have the right words to say?" Andy asked me.

"I just do. When you go through a lot of weird stuff that normal children or teenagers don't typically go through, you just gain that wisdom I suppose," I told Andy who was now holding my hand as we drove.

"Book smart and street smart by goodness," Andy told me.

"Yeah, you could say that," I told him.

"Anywho, they called to remind us of our reservations in Santa Monica for Valentine's Day," Andy told me.

"Oh shoot that's right. That's next week right?" I asked him.

"Yes darling," Andy told me as we approached the house turn-off.

"So I got to start thinking of the stuff I will need," I mumbled to myself.

"Clothes would be good," Andy joked.

"Ha ha very funny," I told him.

As we drove into the ranch, I remembered we needed to give Chestnut her last dose of medicine.

"Shoot I better hurry up and get Chestnut's last antibiotic dose ready," I remarked as I got out of the car.

I hurried inside to get the medicine from the fridge and put what I like to call "yard boots" on.

"Darling slow down," Andy caught me by my arm before I headed down the stairs to the barn.

"Why?" I asked him as I looked at him.

"You didn't even let me kiss you," Andy remarked as he kissed me.

"Ok now I need to go to attend to Chestnut," I told him as I walked to her barn.

"Chestnut it's time for your oh my god," I shrieked.

She was laying down which was not good.

"Andy," I screamed.

I could hear his feet run across the yard.

"What's the matter, darling?" Andy commented as he looked at me.

"She's lying down," I commented in panic.

"I'll go call the vet," Andy told me as he ran back to the house.

I slowly approached Chestnut. She was breathing but her leg looked like it was not doing good at all suddenly.

"You can't leave us, Chestnut," I mumbled as I tried to give her the last of the antibiotic.

She wasn't responding to the medicine. 

"Ok, I've never had an animal leave me before. What am I supposed to do?" I asked out loud.

It was silent for a few until I heard footsteps approaching.

"The vet is on her way. But, she told me that it's probably Chestnut's time to go," Andy commented quietly.

"No it can't be," I remarked.

"Darling, it's her time," Andy remarked.

"No," I remarked as I looked at Chestnut who looked to be in a lot of pain.

"The snake bite was too much and even though we got to her as soon as we could, it probably killed her heart slowly," Andy told me as he took the antibiotic bottle out of my hand.

"I don't understand why we keep losing important things to us," I commented.

Andy frowned at me.

"It's a love that lets's go," Andy told me.

"Why do we always have to let go?" I asked him.

"I don't know why but we will get through it. Like we always do," Andy promised as he stuck his pinky out to me symbolically. 

I wrapped my arms around him as he held a tight embrace on me.

Chestnut bumped us with her nose.

"She knows were sad," I remarked as I turned around to look at her.

"She's very motherly like you," Andy told me.

I smiled at his remark. 

"It's a love that let's go," I mumbled.

An old chapter closing as a new one is about to begin. 

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