Chapter 14

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"Darling don't move," Andy mumbled.

We had been woken up by Biscuit violently howling. She needed to use the bathroom at 2:30 a.m. and Andy and I were trying to settle back down after her waking us up.

"I'm not moving," I whispered back.

"I don't know if I will be able to fully fall back to sleep," Andy mumbled back.

The clock currently read 3:07 a.m. We had barely been asleep since a little after midnight.

"Just try love it won't hurt," I replied as I readjusted my head to my pillow.

Andy sighed as he flipped towards me and draped an arm over me.

I could feel Andy's frustration of not being able to sleep.

After about what seemed like an eternity, I myself could not fall asleep because Andy wasn't relaxed.

"Love?"I whispered.

"Why are you still awake darling? This is my problem," Andy groaned quietly.

I scooted down in the bed to find his face.

"You need to relax darling dear," I replied.

Andy quietly chuckled at my nickname for him.

"I'm trying but it's not working," Andy replied back.

One thing I remembered was Andy liked his hair to be played with when he was not relaxing.

My hands trailed up to the back of his neck.

"W-what are you doing?" Andy asked.

"I know this will help," I replied as I begin to play with his hair.

Andy sighed. I was hoping after a while he'd cave in and sleep.

I could feel the tension of frustration leaving his body. He was tired and if he didn't sleep soon, he'd be messed up the rest of the day. 

After a while, I whispered to him.

"Love?" I asked.

No response.

I could hear little snores escaping from Andy's nose.

I smiled to myself and dozed off eventually.

We must have slept soundly because we woke up to the trashman dumping our cans. It was trash day.

"Hmmm?" Andy began stirring.

"Shhh," I found Andy's face.

"Darling it is after 9 o'clock we should think about getting up," Andy whispered as he kissed my forehead.

"Oh," I replied sitting up and squinting at the sunshine coming in from the curtains.

"Did you sleep well darling? I couldn't believe how well the hair trick did," Andy said yawning.

I stretched and yawned before answering.

"I slept decent. Of course, we know I am a sleepy girl," I replied as I swung my legs over to the edge of the bed.

Andy chuckled at my statement.

"I'll go get us some coffee," Andy said as he stretched and walked down the hall.

I went to the restroom to splash cold water on my eyes to wake myself up.

I could hear Andy happily whistling in the kitchen as he prepared the coffee mugs.

I stood at our doorway as he happily walked back with the only thing that would get my morning started.

"You still look tired darling," Andy commented as he handed me my coffee cup.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ