Chapter 148

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Fall was quickly approaching and I needed to get all our fall stuff out of the garage to put out. Andy was home to help with the decorating and sorting of stuff.

"I like how we decorate for fall before we even see the first leaf on the ground," Andy remarked as we filled up the hallway bowl with mulch.

"Well maybe it will usher in a nice fall as you read about in the books," I told him as I readjusted the table runner.

"Good idea darling. I want a really rainy fall," Andy told me.

"I do too. This summer wasn't exactly the easiest with the weather," I remarked as I got into one of the boxes to find some of the candles I had bought a week ago.

"I just want to have a day where it's rainy all day and we do nothing but watch television and eat snacks all day," Andy remarked.

"That sounds lovely," I told him as I we walked to the hall closet to find our fall-themed pillows.

"Those go in the guest room right?" Andy asked from behind me.

"Yes," I told him.

"Okay," Andy told me as I went downstairs to grab the mop and dustpan.

"And we should do a little fall cleaning," I told Andy who was bringing the mop bucket up for me.

"At least the whole house will smell like lemons," Andy told me as he went and grabbed the vacuum.

I chuckled as I went and cleaned the entire hall and went and mopped and swept the bedrooms.

"Darling the dryer just buzzed I'll be right back," Andy told me as he went down the stairs to the laundry room.

I smiled to myself as we continued working on the mopping. 

I stopped at the stairs and decided to take a break. I sat down on the top step to take a breather.

Andy stopped at the bottom of the steps and stared up at me.

"You ok darling?" Andy asked as he put the basket down.

"Yes, I'm just taking a break. Mopping the entire upper level is not easy," I told him chuckling.

"Oh ok," Andy chuckled as he walked up to where I was and sat down next to me.

"Yeah I got super overheated," I remarked fanning myself.

"Well let me go bump the AC on," Andy remarked as he stood up and tip-toed to the thermostat. 

I took a deep sigh as the cold air from the vent cascaded over the hall and stairs.

"Better?" Andy asked as he sat back down next to me.

"Yes definitely," I told him as I enjoyed the cool air for a few.

After I cooled down, I stood up and went to the bedroom to wash up as I was done with cleaning.

"Ok now that we got all that settled, what else to do today?" Andy asked me. 

"Well we need to collect some eggs from the chickens for KC and your parents," I told him as I washed my hands.

"Ok and what else?" Andy asked me.

"That's about it," I told him as I dried my hands off.

"Ok I'll go find the baskets," Andy told me.

I went and put my hair up in a ponytail so I would be less hot outside. It was in the 70s but I was really missing the Vermont fall this year for some reason.

"Ready darling?" Andy asked as I headed down the stairs.

"Of course," I told him.

And so, we walked out to the chicken coop to grab the eggs. It was nice to have a little bit of country life in our backyard.

"Biscuit girl go lay down," Andy scolded as she ran rambunctiouslly. 

I chuckled as we walked to the chicken coop.

"I'll go in and grab the eggs while you keep an eye on Biscuit," Andy told me as he took the baskets from me.

"Okie dokie," I told him.

A little bit of fall can change your life.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat