Chapter 164

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"I can't believe I still have it," I mumbled as I went through my jewelry box.

I was looking for a longer necklace to wear with my blouse today. I was tired of wearing the same old jewelry for work and I managed to find the iconic necklace Andy gave me when we first met.

I thought back to the day when Andy waltzed into the record store and was still super shy. 

I went downstairs to find Andy drinking coffee at the kitchen table.

"Hi darling," Andy glanced up at me.

"Hi," I came up to him.

"What's up?" Andy asked chuckling.

"Can you put this on me?" I asked with pleading eyes.

Andy rolled his eyes.

"Of course, you didn't need the puppy dog eyes," Andy chuckled to himself.

I handed him the pendant. He paused in his tracks.

"Wait you still have it?" Andy asked as he fumbled and looked at the pendant.

I shook my head and smiled.

"Why wouldn't I is the question," I told him as I lifted my hair.

"I remember going to the jeweler and asking for a copy of the gold one Stigwood gave me and I got us matching ones," Andy explained as he clasped the necklace around me.

I let my hair loose.

I turned to face Andy.

"It still looks the same on you all these years," Andy told me sweetly.

"I'll never forget how nervous I was when you walked in. At the time, we had like 4 dates and we were developing a relationship and the necklace is how you asked me out," I told him.

"I know you were hesitant at first to be with me. Which is completely understandable. But I couldn't imagine my life without you," Andy commented as I went to get a cup of coffee.

 I giggled.

"Andrew, I wasn't hesitant but I was a little nervous I mean somehow the first person I truly dated was you. I had never been asked out or pursued the way you did me," I told him as I stirred my cup of coffee.

Andy chuckled. 

"I feel lucky still knowing you were willing to take a risk and be with someone like me," Andy told me.

"Who wouldn't want to be with you? I mean not for your name. Heck, you were just Andy the boy who loved the Mills Brothers to me at first. But you are charming and I am so glad you were worth the wait," I told him as he watched me walk over to the table where he was at. 

I had to be at the office at 9:30. I glanced at the clock and it was 8:05.

"I know and it was weird because, for the first time in my entire life, someone wanted to know Andrew Gibb the person, not Andy Gibb the stage name. It was and still is the best feeling in the world," Andy told me lovingly.

"Well everyone is human underneath," I told him as I sipped my coffee.

"And here we are going on 8 years together and everyone thought it was a fluke," Andy told me.

I shook my head.

"Not a fluke at all. It was written in the stars for us to be together," I told him proudly.

"It's that thing you call, uhm, manifestation or something like that right?" Andy asked me.

I smiled at his comment.

"Yeah, something like that," I told him with a smile that was like a hanger stuck in my mouth.

He reached over and lifted my hand to kiss it.

"Never change darling. I will always love you but damn did I get lucky with you and your entire being," Andy told me.

"You really are swooning me this morning," I chuckled as I killed my cup of coffee.

"How can I not when you talk cinematic and such?" Andy questioned as he watched me put my coffee cup up.

"I have work to go to in less than an hour. I can't be flustered thinking about you," I joked.

"I'm home all night darling," Andy joked back.

I flicked his shoulder as I walked by him.

"Ouch," Andy remarked with a chuckle.

"Sometimes I don't know man you drive me crazy," I told him as I got my travel mug with coffee to take to the office with me.

"I know I do. Maybe it's an accident or maybe it's on purpose," Andy chuckled to himself.

"I don't think that's fair," I told him as I secured the lid on my cup.

"Well, we can make it a fair debate later ok?" Andy chuckled as I glanced at the clock.

It was 8:45. 

"Shoot I  better get going," I told him as I went to gather my stuff to head out the front door.

"If you are free at lunch, call me and I can maybe meet you somewhere?" Andy offered.

"Ooooh ok sounds good," I told him as I went to kiss him goodbye.

We pulled apart but he kept looking at me.

"What? Is there something wrong?" I asked him.

He shook his head.

"No nothing just you are leaving me," Andy chuckled.

"It is not goodbye its see you later," I told him as I kissed his cheek.

"See you later darling," Andy told me as he stole one more kiss before shooeing me on my way.

From fairytale to reality for the rest of the day.

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt