Chapter 33

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It was finally time for us to be in Colorado. I have fond memories of when I flew out here in 1979 when Andy and his brothers we on the "Spirits Having Flown Tour."  We arrived early today and were currently walking downtown in Denver. We had just finished eating at this cute cafe on our bucket list. 

We really had not been here before. It was always a dream of mine to have a place in Colorado or to celebrate Christmas here in the mountains.  There was a part of me that knew Colorado was part of my destination.

"I can't believe we are really here as silly as that sounds," I told Andy.

"Well, darling you better believe it. You made this possible," Andy replied reassuringly.

"We have so much to do in so little time. At least we've visited the cafe already that was on the bucket list," I replied to him as we came to the crosswalk.

"It'll all work out darling I promise you. There is plenty of time. And, if we don't finish our plans, we can always come back," Andy replied as the light turned green for us to walk across the street.

"I mean today is really our first day here. Tomorrow we will go to the Denver Mint and Cynthia's Kitchen," I reminded my husband as we arrived back to our hotel.

"Well it's only a little after 11 anyhow darling we got plenty of time," Andy reminded me once more as we walked into the lobby.

We wanted to freshen up before taking a cab to head to Grant-Humprey's Mansion. It was this huge mansion that was built in 1902 and it was now mainly used for tourists and weddings.

We headed to the elevator and rode up to our room.

"Should I change or is this ok?" I asked as we walked into the hotel.

"Darling it's up to you. Remember the last time you wore a dress in the summer, you got a lot of bug bites," Andy reminded me as we both sat down temporarily. 

"Oh true I forgot to be honest," I replied with a chuckle. 

"And if we are going to be outdoors a lot today, we don't want you to be worried or itchy," Andy joked.

I just smiled as I grabbed my makeup bag to find my face powder.

It wasn't too hot in Denver. It was mainly just the mild humidity that made it just barley tolerable to walk around instead of drive.

"I'll call the cab when you are ready darling," Andy replied as he grabbed a bottle of water from the mini-fridge.

"Oh well, I just needed to powder my face. I'm ready to go if you are," I told him.

"Let's use the restroom before we do go off again. I don't know if they have public bathrooms," Andy commented as he headed to the restroom.

"Uh love, I think they do I mean why wouldn't they when they host weddings and such?" I asked him.

Andy laughed before responding.

"Darling you know what I meant," Andy replied as he came back out of the bathroom and went to wash his hands.

"Yes of course duh," I replied before going into the bathroom.

I could hear Andy quietly chuckling to himself.

After we got done, he called the cab and we headed down to the lobby to wait for them to arrive.

"Do you think I'll get noticed?" Andy asked as we stood looking out the lobby windows.

"I don't know love that's why I haven't said your name name," I told him as we watched all the passersby's walk on by.

"That's a good point I mean I get tired of not being able to live a normal life sometimes ya know," Andy replied.

"Well in my world you are a star but you know I love you for you, the person, not the name," I reminded him.

"Yes, darling I know that oh too well. I got very lucky," Andy replied as he grabbed my hand to hold.

On small trips like this, Andy hardly had to have security. But, the hotel was aware of who he was and was ready to have hotel security jump in.

We stayed like this till we saw the cab arrive. The driver got out to greet us.

"Mr and Mrs. Gibb?" he asked.

"Yes sir," Andy replied as the driver opened the door.

We both got in and settled as the driver got back in shortly.

"You said on the phone we will be going to Grant Humphreys?" the driver confirmed before we left.

"Yes sir," Andy replied.

"Perfect. It's actually not that far from the Denver Mint but you have to take 14th Avenue instead," the driver told us as we started our journey.

"Oh really? It seemed a lot further than that," I commented.

"It would be about a mile and a half walk I think if my mind serves correctly," the driver told us.

"I am not up for that sort of walk at all," Andy joked.

"It is pretty tiring since you do a lot of walking around the mansion. It is beautiful. I hope you have cameras with you," the driver told us.

"Oh of course sir we do," Andy replied as he gestured to the camera hanging around his neck.

So far, the gentleman had not snapped he was talking to Andy Gibb. Perhaps he didn't even know who he was.

"What brings you to Denver?" the driver asked us as we arrived at the stop light.

"Just a mini vacation. We really have never been to Denver before," Andy told the driver.

"Well I hope you two enjoy Denver," the driver told us encouragingly. 

"Thank you sir," Andy told him.

Here was to a beautiful weekend in Denver.

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