Chapter 137

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"I didn't think jetlag would be this bad," I remarked as I stumbled to the kitchen to get the coffee going.

We had been home for 12 hours. I needed to get up and at least do something.

Andy was sound asleep like all men usually are. He didn't hear me get up at all.

I had to be back at work tomorrow to begin the record listening again. I was praying that it would go well.

I glanced at the clock and it was 9:30 a.m. Biscuit was still in her kennel so I let her out.

I went outside and checked out the backyard. We had been gone for over a week and I wanted to see how everything looked.

Biscuit walked with me to the barn where Brownie was.

"Hi Brownie," I remarked as I got by the stable.

Brownie made a noise to acknowledge my presence.

"You guys probably thought we were never coming back," I commented as if they could understand.

I was so glad to be back home but also regretted the jet lag.

After hanging out in the stable for a few, I headed back inside to see if the coffee finished.

Sure enough, a fresh pot of coffee was done. But, I was also hungry.

All I could think about was bacon and eggs. So, I waltzed into the fridge to get some eggs out and bacon out.

I went back to the stove and got my pan out to cook the bacon first.

While that was going, I got my eggs going.

"Darling?" I heard from a distance.

"Hmmm?" I remarked as Andy wrapped his arms around me. 

I was cracking the eggs while he tried to lift me up.

"You almost made me lose my eggs and spoon," I told him. 

"I'm sorry darling," Andy commented.

I chuckled.

"Are you 'cause it surely doesn't feel like it," I joked.

"I am sorry," Andy told me.

"I'll forgive you if you walk your little booty over to the coffee pot and make us some coffee," I told him as I turned to look at him.

"Deal," Andy commented as he kissed my forehead.

I smiled to myself as I went to focus on scrambling the eggs. The bacon was frying up nicely.

"I cannot believe how tired I still am," Andy mumbled as he stifled a yawn.

"No but same I couldn't stay in bed any longer cause I know I have stuff to do," I told him stretching my arm.

"I know darling you never shut your brain off even if you are tired," Andy told me as he stirred the coffee cups.

"You know me so well," I told him with a smile.

"Of course I do darling," Andy told me as he walked over with my mug.

"Thank you," I remarked as I took the cup of coffee.

"You have work tomorrow?" Andy asked making small talk.

"Mmmm but remember it's not hourly so I can go in whenever I want and do my tasks," I told Andy.

"That's good," Andy remarked as he waltzed over to the kitchen table.

"Breakfast will be ready in 20 minutes love," I told him as I went to grab some cheese for the eggs.

"You go above and beyond as a wife and I always got to express my gratitude to you darling," Andy told me as I walked back to the stove with my cheese.

"You flatter me love thank you," I told him as I flipped the bacon one more time.

"Of course my darling," Andy told me happily as he watched me aimlessly work through the kitchen.

I went and got plates out and some cups to pour orange juice in as well.

"One thing my mum always told me she hoped I'd find a woman who loves and cares for me as the person I am not the name I make for myself. And well, I did find that woman," Andy told me as I walked to sit down at the table for a few to enjoy my coffee.

I smiled.

"You are a sap Mr. Gibb," I told him.

"It's true though," Andy told me.

I personally thought the jet lag was taking over him.

"I love you," I told him.

"And I love you," Andy told me as I went back to working on our breakfast.

An everlasting love will never die. 

(Sequel) You and I | 70s Teen Dream StoryWhere stories live. Discover now